Quality-Diversity algorithms in Python

optimisation, optimization, illumination, Quality-Diversity, Landscape, exploration, MAP-Elites, NSLC, CVT-MAP-Elites, SAIL, evolutionary, algorithms, random, search
pip install qdpy==


qdpy - A Quality-Diversity framework for Python 3.6+

qdpy is a framework providing Python implementations of recent Quality-Diversity methodologies: MAP-Elites, CVT-MAP-Elites, NSLC, SAIL, etc. QD algorithms can be accessed directly, but qdpy also includes building blocks that can be easily assembled together to build your own QD algorithms. It can be used with parallelism mechanisms and in distributed environments.

qdpy includes the following features:

  • Generic support for diverse Containers: Grids, Novelty-Archives, Populations, etc
  • Optimisation algorithms for QD: random search methods, quasi-random methods, evolutionary algorithms
  • Support for multi-objective optimisation methods
  • Possible to use optimisation methods not designed for QD, such as CMA-ES
  • Parallelisation of evaluations, using parallelism libraries, such as multiprocessing, concurrent.futures or SCOOP
  • Easy integration with the popular DEAP evolutionary computation framework


qdpy requires Python 3.6+. It can be installed with:

pip3 install qdpy

qdpy includes optional features that need extra packages to be installed:

  • cma for CMA-ES support
  • deap to integrate with the DEAP library
  • tables to output results files in the HDF5 format
  • tqdm to display a progress bar showing optimisation progress
  • colorama to add colours to pretty-printed outputs

You can install qdpy and all of these optional dependencies with:

pip3 install qdpy[all]

The latest version can be installed from the GitLab repository:

pip3 install git+https://gitlab.com/leo.cazenille/qdpy.git@master

To clone this repository

git clone https://gitlab.com/leo.cazenille/qdpy.git



The following code presents how to use MAP-Elites to explore the feature space of a target function (also available in examples/rastrigin_short.py):

from qdpy import algorithms, containers, benchmarks, plots

# Create container and algorithm. Here we use MAP-Elites, by illuminating a Grid container by evolution.
grid = containers.Grid(shape=(64,64), max_items_per_bin=1, fitness_domain=((0., 1.),), features_domain=((0., 1.), (0., 1.)))
algo = algorithms.RandomSearchMutPolyBounded(grid, budget=60000, batch_size=500,
        dimension=3, optimisation_task="maximisation")

# Create a logger to pretty-print everything and generate output data files
logger = algorithms.AlgorithmLogger(algo)

# Define evaluation function
eval_fn = algorithms.partial(benchmarks.illumination_rastrigin_normalised,
        nb_features = len(grid.shape))

# Run illumination process !
best = algo.optimise(eval_fn)

# Print results info

# Plot the results

print("All results are available in the '%s' pickle file." % logger.final_filename)

qdpy separates Containers (here a Grid) from search algorithms, in a design inspired by Cully2018. As such, to implement a MAP-Elites-style algorithm, we need to explicitly create 1) a Grid container, and 2) an evolutionary algorithm. This algorithm will make use of this container in a similar way a classical evolutionary algorithm would use a population, and iteratively fill it with new solutions obtained from mutation of previously explored individuals.

The target function explored in this example corresponds to the Rastrigin function, a classical benchmark problem for optimisation algorithms. We translate this optimisation problem into a Quality-Diversity benchmark by defining k features corresponding to the first k parameters of the genomes of the evaluated individuals.

Here is a plot of the resulting grid of elites: Example of result


A number of examples are provided in the examples directory here. Here are short descriptions of all example scripts:

  • custom_eval_fn.py: presents how one can specify a custom evaluation function and use MAP-Elites to illuminate it.
  • rastrigin_short.py: the simplest example. It describes how to illuminate the rastrigin function.
  • rastrigin.py: a more complex version of the previous script, with support for configuration files (by default, the "conf/rastrigin.yaml" configuration file).
  • nslc_rastrigin.py: illumination of the rastrigin function, but with NSLC instead of MAP-Elites.
  • artificial_landscapes.py: illumination of several artificial landscape functions (e.g. sphere, ackley, rosenbrock, etc) by MAP-Elites. This script was used to generate the data for the GECCO 2019 poster paper Comparing reliability of grid-based quality-diversity algorithms using artificial landscapes.
  • bipedal_walker/bipedal_walker.py: illumination of the OpenAI Gym BipedalWalker-v2 environment. You need to install OpenAI gym, pybullet and Box2D to use it.
  • deap_map-elites_rastrigin_short.py, deap_map-elites_rastrigin.py and deap_nslc_rastrigin.py: three versions of the rastrigin illumination example showcasing the QDpy-DEAP integration. You need to have the DEAP library installed to use them.
  • deap_map-elites_SR.py: illumination of a symbolic regression problem with MAP-Elites. It relies on the QDpy-DEAP integration.

All examples generate a pickle data file containing all results and the final container/grid. It can be accessed through the following code:

import pickle
# You may want to import your own packages if the pickle file contains custom objects

with open("final.p", "rb") as f:
    data = pickle.load(f)
# ``data`` is now a dictionary containing all results, including the final container, all solutions, the algorithm parameters, etc.

grid = data['container']

They also generate two PDF plots:

  • performanceGrid.pdf: shows the fitness score of all individual in the final grid.
  • activityGrid.pdf: shows the 'activity' of the algorithm. We define the activity as the number of times a cell has been updated in the grid.

More examples will be added in the future.


A complete documentation will be available here.

For developers

To build qdpy from source:

git clone https://gitlab.com/leo.cazenille/qdpy.git
cd qdpy
./setup.py develop

You can run type checking (as defined in PEP 484 and PEP 526 in the qdpy directory with:

mypy --ignore-missing-imports .

If mypy returns warnings or errors, please fix them before sending a pull request.


    title = {QDPY: A Python framework for Quality-Diversity},
    author = {Cazenille, L.},
    year = {2018},
    publisher = {GitLab},
    journal = {GitLab repository},
    howpublished = {\url{https://gitlab.com/leo.cazenille/qdpy}},


qdpy is distributed under the LGPLv3 license. See LICENSE for details.