
Console utility ro interactively choose tests and run them with breakpoints

pip install questest==0.1.1



This tool allows you to run pytests with ipdb debugger while inserting breakpoints on the fly. This workflow makes sense if you practice "user-scenario-oriented development". In this practice every test should represent an actual "battlefield" scenario your code can encounter in the hands of the user. This makes tests very informative and allows you to have a built-in "literate programming" of sorts: scenarios are tests, but they can also function as tutorials, so they represent both validation of your code and documentation for your code.


For this tool to work you have to have ncurses installed. This is one way to do it if you are on a apt-based distro:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

After that and cloning this repo you should be good to go with pip install ..


This tool does not allow you to:

  1. Use interactive search while inputting the path to your test.
  2. To configure debugger you want to use.
  3. To run itself on Windows.
  4. To configure an indentation level. These are just some major features, but I'm sure there's more. Still, it works great for me. If you want anything here, you are welcome to add it.