
Command line utility for quickly cloning remote SCM repositories as succintly as possible.

pip install quickclone==0.1.0



Command line utility for quickly cloning remote SCM repositories as succintly as possible.

This project is a prime example of spending 24 hours to save 2 seconds.


Currently, only git is supported. I might add mercurial and then subversion later.


From source:

git clone https://github.com/RenoirTan/QuickClone.git
cd QuickClone
pip install .

From PYPI:

pip install quickclone

Both ways should install qkln and quickclone to PATH, meaning you don't have to call quickclone using python -m quickclone. qkln and quickclone are both entry points to the same main function, so you can call either command.


You can configure QuickClone by editing ~/.config/quickclone.toml.


qkln RenoirTan/QuickClone

If options.local.remotes_dir is defined, QuickClone will clone the repo into a folder in that directory. For example, if options.local.remotes_dir is defined as ~/Code/remote, the repo will be cloned to ~/Code/remote/github.com/RenoirTan/QuickClone.

You can also override options.local.remotes_dir by specifying the destination path or adding the -Id flag to the command.

qkln RenoirTan/QuickClone ~/Desktop/destination
qkln RenoirTan/QuickClone -Id

In the latter example, QuickClone will ignore options.local.remotes_dir and clone to ./QuickClone.

After cloning the remote repository, QuickClone will save where the repository was cloned to locally in a cache file. You can then use this command to see where the last repository was cloned to:

qkln -L

and then cd into that directory:

cd $(qkln -L)