
Python Distributed Redis Queue Workers

pip install qw==0.1.1



qw (or QueueWorker) is used to run worker processes which listen on a redis list for jobs to process.



pip install qw


git clone git://github.com/brettlangdon/qw.git
cd ./qw
python setup.py install



The manager is simply a process manager. It's job is to start/stop worker sub-processes.


The workers are processes which sit and listen for jobs on a few queues and then process those jobs.


The worker/manager take a target which can be either a function or a string (importable function).

def target(job_id, job_data):

manager = Manager(target)
# OR
manager = Manager('__main__.target')


There are a few different queues that are used. The job queues are just redis lists, manager/worker lists are sets and jobs are hashes.

A worker picks up a job from either all:jobs, <manager>:jobs or <worker>:jobs, pulls the corresponding job:<job_id> key and processes it with the provided target, after processing it will then remove the job:<job_id> key as well as the job id from the <worker>:jobs queue.

  • all:managers - a set of all managers
  • all:jobs - a queue that all workers can pull jobs from, the values are just the job ids
  • job:<job_id> - a hash of the job data
  • <manager>:workers - a set of all workers belonging to a given manager
  • <manager>:jobs - a queue of jobs for a specific manager, workers will try to pull from here before all:jobs, the values are just the job ids
  • <worker>:jobs - a queue of jobs for a specific worker, this is meant as a in progress queue for each worker, the workers will pull jobs into this queue from either <manager>:jobs or all:jobs, the values are just the job ids


qw Workers make no assumptions about the result of processing each job. It does not place finished job into a queue or database or anything else. Once a job has been successfully processed by a Worker, that job is removed completely from queues and from redis. The worker itself must properly store the results into a finished queue or database if that is what is required.

Basic Usage

from qw.manager import Manager

def job_printer(job_id, job_data):
    print job_id
    print job_data

manager = Manager(job_printer)



  • __init__(self, target, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0, num_workers=None, name=None)
  • start(self)
  • stop(self)
  • join(self)


  • __init__(self, client, target, manager_name=None, timeout=10)
  • run(self)
  • shutdown(self)


  • __init__(self, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0)
  • register_manager(self, name)
  • deregister_manager(self, name)
  • register_worker(self, manager, name)
  • deregister_worker(self, manager, name)
  • queue_job(self, job_data, manager=None, worker=None)
  • fetch_next_job(self, manager, worker, timeout=10)
  • finish_job(self, job_id, worker_name)
  • get_all_managers(self)
  • get_manager_workers(self, manager_name)
  • get_worker_pending_jobs(self, worker_name)
  • get_manager_queued_jobs(self, manager_name)
  • get_all_queued_jobs(self)
  • get_all_pending_jobs(self)

CLI Tools


The qw-manager tool is used to start a new manager process with the provided target string, which gets run for every job processed by a worker.

$ qw-manager --help
  qw-manager [--level=<log-level>] [--workers=<num-workers>] [--name=<name>] [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] <target>
  qw-manager (--help | --version)

  --help                       Show this help message
  --version                    Show version information
  -l --level=<log-level>       Set the log level (debug,info,warn,error) [default: info]
  -w --workers=<num-workers>   Set the number of workers to start, defaults to number of cpus
  -n --name=<name>             Set the manager name, defaults to hostname
  -h --host=<host>             Set the redis host to use [default: localhost]
  -p --port=<port>             Set the redis port to use [default: 6379]
  -d --db=<db>                 Set the redis db number to use [default: 0]


The qw-client command is useful to look at basic stats of running managers, workers and job queues as well as to push json data in the form of a string or a file to the main queue or a manager specific queue.

$ qw-client --help
  qw-client [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] managers
  qw-client [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] workers [<manager>]
  qw-client [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] jobs [<manager>]
  qw-client [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] queue string <data> [<manager>]
  qw-client [--host=<host>] [--port=<port>] [--db=<db>] queue file <file> [<manager>]
  qw-client (--help | --version)

  --help                       Show this help message
  --version                    Show version information
  -h --host=<host>             Set the redis host to use [default: localhost]
  -p --port=<port>             Set the redis port to use [default: 6379]
  -d --db=<db>                 Set the redis db number to use [default: 0]