
A Rust cadCAD implementation, for dynamical systems modelling & simulation

simulation, modelling, dynamical-systems, cad, python, modelling-framework, cadcad
pip install radCAD-core==0.1.2



A cadCAD implementation in Rust, using PyO3 to generate Rust bindings for Python to be used as a native Python module. The performance and expressiveness of Rust, with the utility of the Python data-science stack.

See https://github.com/cadCAD-org/cadCAD


  • simple API for ease of use
  • performance driven (more speed = more experiments, larger parameter sweeps, in less time)
  • cadCAD compatible (standard functions, data structures, and simulation results)
  • maintainable, testable codebase
radCAD took 11.190160989761353 seconds
cadCAD took 68.51003003120422 seconds
Simulation output dataframes are carbon copies
Rust is 6.122345343725507X faster than Python


  • Parameter sweeps
params = {
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': [1]
  • Monte Carlo runs
RUNS = 100
Simulation(model=model_a, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)
  • A/B tests
model_a = Model(initial_state=states_a, psubs=psubs_a, params=params_a)
model_b = Model(initial_state=states_b, psubs=psubs_b, params=params_b)

simulation_1 = Simulation(model=model_a, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)
simulation_2 = Simulation(model=model_b, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)

data = rc.run([simulation_1, simulation_2])
  • cadCAD compatibility
  • cadCAD simulation data structure
               a          b  simulation  subset  run  substep  timestep
0       1.000000        2.0           0       0    1        0         0
1       0.540302        2.0           0       0    1        1         1
2       0.540302        7.0           0       0    1        2         1
3       0.463338        7.0           0       0    1        1         2
4       0.463338       12.0           0       0    1        2         2
...          ...        ...         ...     ...  ...      ...       ...
799999  0.003162   999982.0           1       1    1        2     99998
800000  0.003162   999982.0           1       1    1        1     99999
800001  0.003162   999992.0           1       1    1        2     99999
800002  0.003162   999992.0           1       1    1        1    100000
800003  0.003162  1000002.0           1       1    1        2    100000


make release
# or
make release-macos


python3 -m unittest tests/integration_test.py


import output.rad_cad as rc
from output.rad_cad import Model, Simulation

TIMESTEPS = 100_000
RUNS = 1

model_a = Model(initial_state=states_a, psubs=psubs_a, params=params_a)
model_b = Model(initial_state=states_b, psubs=psubs_b, params=params_b)

simulation_1 = Simulation(model=model_a, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)
simulation_2 = Simulation(model=model_b, timesteps=TIMESTEPS, runs=RUNS)

data = rc.run([simulation_1, simulation_2])
df = pd.DataFrame(data)


1. 100_000 timesteps, 5 runs, 5 benchmark rounds

python3 -m pytest tests/benchmark_test.py

platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.0.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
benchmark: 3.2.3 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/_/workspace/radCAD
plugins: benchmark-3.2.3
collected 2 items

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS Rounds Iterations
test_benchmark_radcad 11.6412 (1.0) 13.0923 (1.0) 12.4871 (1.0) 0.5904 (1.37) 12.7650 (1.0) 0.8761 (2.21) 2;0 0.0801 (1.0) 5 1
test_benchmark_cadcad 57.3148 (4.92) 58.4830 (4.47) 58.0262 (4.65) 0.4324 (1.0) 58.0742 (4.55) 0.3960 (1.0) 2;0 0.0172 (0.22) 5 1

2. 100_000 timesteps, 5 A/B models

See benchmark.py

import math

def policy(params, substep, state_history, previous_state):
    return {'step_size': 1}

def update_a(params, substep, state_history, previous_state, policy_input):
    a = b = c = d = e = 100.0
    return 'a', previous_state['a'] * abs(math.cos(previous_state['a']))

def update_b(params, substep, state_history, previous_state, policy_input):
    return 'b', previous_state['b'] + policy_input['step_size'] * params['a']

params = {
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': [1]

states = {
    'a': 1.0,
    'b': 2.0

psubs = [
        'policies': {},
        'variables': {
            'a': update_a
        'policies': {
            'p_1': policy,
            'p_2': policy,
            'p_3': policy,
            'p_4': policy,
            'p_5': policy,
        'variables': {
            'b': update_b

TIMESTEPS = 100_000
RUNS = 1
                a          b  simulation  subset  run  substep  timestep
0        1.000000        2.0           0       0    1        0         0
1        0.540302        2.0           0       0    1        1         1
2        0.540302        7.0           0       0    1        2         1
3        0.463338        7.0           0       0    1        1         2
4        0.463338       12.0           0       0    1        2         2
...           ...        ...         ...     ...  ...      ...       ...
2000005  0.003162   999982.0           4       1    1        2     99998
2000006  0.003162   999982.0           4       1    1        1     99999
2000007  0.003162   999992.0           4       1    1        2     99999
2000008  0.003162   999992.0           4       1    1        1    100000
2000009  0.003162  1000002.0           4       1    1        2    100000

[2000010 rows x 7 columns]

                  ___________    ____
  ________ __ ___/ / ____/   |  / __ \
 / ___/ __` / __  / /   / /| | / / / /
/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /___/ ___ |/ /_/ /
\___/\__,_/\__,_/\____/_/  |_/_____/
by cadCAD

Execution Mode: local_proc
Configuration Count: 5
Dimensions of the first simulation: (Timesteps, Params, Runs, Vars) = (100000, 2, 2, 7)
Execution Method: local_simulations
SimIDs   : [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]
SubsetIDs: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
Ns       : [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
ExpIDs   : [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]
Execution Mode: parallelized
Total execution time: 68.48s
                a          b  simulation  subset  run  substep  timestep
0        1.000000        2.0           0       0    1        0         0
1        0.540302        2.0           0       0    1        1         1
2        0.540302        7.0           0       0    1        2         1
3        0.463338        7.0           0       0    1        1         2
4        0.463338       12.0           0       0    1        2         2
...           ...        ...         ...     ...  ...      ...       ...
2000005  0.003162   999982.0           4       1    2        2     99998
2000006  0.003162   999982.0           4       1    2        1     99999
2000007  0.003162   999992.0           4       1    2        2     99999
2000008  0.003162   999992.0           4       1    2        1    100000
2000009  0.003162  1000002.0           4       1    2        2    100000

[2000010 rows x 7 columns]

radCAD took 11.190160989761353 seconds
cadCAD took 68.51003003120422 seconds
Simulation output dataframes are carbon copies
Rust is 6.122345343725507X faster than Python