
Utilities for Python development.

pip install rafutils==0.1.2-dev



A few helpful utilities that I find useful.


Dictionary type that allows for dynamic allocation of nested key values without prior defintion. ::

>>> a = AutoVivification()
>>> a[1][2] = 3

Multiprocessing Wrapper

This module provides a set of methods for handling multi-threading patterns more easily. ::

>>> import user_metrics.utils.multiprocessing_wrapper as mpw
>>> mpw.build_thread_pool(['one','two'],len,2,[])

Record Type

Defines the recordtype method which returns a type definition object that allows for the creation of mutable objects with specified attributes. These are essentially identical to collections.namedtuple except that the attributes may be changed after the namedtuple objects are created. ::

>>> Point = recordtype('Point', 'x y', default=0)
>>> Point()                 # instantiate with defaults
Point(x=0, y=0)


Some miscellaneous methods exposed by this package.

Format Timestamp

The format_timestamp method takes a timestamp representation (string or datetime) and convert to a standard string representation.


The enum method implements an enumeration::

>>> Numbers = enum('ZERO', 'ONE', 'TWO')
>>> Numbers.ZERO
>>> Numbers.ONE

Build Named Tuple

Given a set of types, values, and names builds a named tuple. This method expects three lists all of the same length and returns a dynamically built namedtuple object. Currently, only list, str, int, and float cast methods are accepted as members of types. The mothod is named build_namedtuple.

Unpack Fields

Unpacks the attributes and values of a record type or named tuple into an ordered dictionary.