
Package description

pip install random-episode==0.1.2



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Play Random Episode

Play a random chapter of your favorite series, like The Simpsons, Futurama, Friends...

With this program you can:

  • Define multiple directories as a source.
  • Optional support for subdirectories.
  • Use patterns to filter files.
  • Choose a video player, or let it choose one automatically.
  • Native support for chromecast.

How to use it

By default, it plays a video of the current directory with the default player.

# Use current directory
$ random-player

The syntax is:

$ random-player[ --config <config_path>][ <player>[ <playlist>]]

The available parameters are:

  • <config_path>: by default it is random-episode.yml.
  • <player>: by default it is native (default video player). chromecast is also available.

You can define others in the configuration. * <playlist>: you must define the playlists in the configuration.


Using a configuration file you can define playlists and players. An example:

# random-episode.yml
# ------------------

    groening:  # playlist name
        directories:  # Multiple directories
          - '/path/to/simpsons/'
          - '/path/to/futurama/'
        recursive: true  # Optional
        patterns:  # Optional
          - '*.mkv'  # file pattern
          - '*.mp4'
          - '*.avi'
    simpsons-t1:  # playlist name
        directories: '/path/to/simpsons/The Simpsons/'
        patterns: 'The Simpsons 1x*'
    bedroom-chromecast:  # player name
        type: chromecast  # chromecast or native
        # Chromecast name. Useful if you have more than one
        name: bedroom
    vlc:  # player name
        # default type: native
        cmd: vlc  # command to execute

The options are:

  • playlists:
    • directories: required. A list or just one.
    • recursive: optional. true or false. Search for episodes recursively into subdirectories,
    • patterns: optional. A list or just one. Check the file names.
  • players: by default chromecast (with type chromecast) and native (with type native).
    • type: optional. By default native.
    • cmd: Command to execute in native type.


If you have pip installed, you can install it with:

sudo pip install random-episode

Amazon Dash

It's easy to use Random Episode with your Amazon Dash. You just need to install:

$ pip install amazon-dash

Then configure in Amazon Dash:

# amazon-dash.yml
# ---------------

  name: Pompadour
  user: nekmo
  cmd: random-episode chromecast simpsons


This project is under the MIT license.

The Simpsons, The simpsons logo image and Futurama are owned by 20th Century Fox Television. Friends is owned by Warner Bros. Television.