
A well maintained program to execute functions in queue as if only 1 worker is executing them one by one (High priority first). Works wonders when a series of time consuming tasks has to be performed but they need to be in sequence.

thread, threaded, task, queue, queues, queued, tasks
pip install rateLimitedQueues==0.0.1a2


rateLimitedQueues v0.0.2

pip install rateLimitedQueues --upgrade

A well maintained program to execute functions in queue as if only 1 worker is executing them one by one (High priority first). Works wonders when a series of time consuming tasks has to be performed but they need to be in sequence.

To install:

pip install rateLimitedQueues --upgrade
pip3 install rateLimitedQueues --upgrade
python -m pip install rateLimitedQueues --upgrade
python3 -m pip install rateLimitedQueues --upgrade

Using this program is as simple as:

from rateLimitedQueues import Manager

rateLimiter = Manager(timeBetweenExecution=1, smallestWaitTime=0)

def mainFunction(url, headers, json, *args, **kwargs):
    print(args, kwargs)

for _ in range(10):
    rateLimiter.queueAction(mainFunction, postFunction=functionToCallAfterMainFunction, postKwArgs={"kwarg1":True, "kwarg2": 20},
                            executePriority=3, executeThreaded=False,
                            headers={'Authorization': "Bearer 1234"},

This project is always open to suggestions and feature requests.