Cython-wrapped C++ red-black interval tree implementation

interval-tree, intervals, python, red-black-tree
pip install rbi-tree==0.2


Interval Tree for Python

This is a Cython-wrapped red-black interval tree from IvanPinezhaninov/IntervalTree/.

To install:

pip install rbi-tree

Example usage:

>>> from rbi_tree.tree import ITree
>>> t = ITree()
>>> t.insert(60, 80, value={'a':'b'}) # start stop are integers
>>> t.insert(20, 40)
>>> t.find(10, 30)
[(20, 40, None)]
>>> t.find(40, 60) # half open so it gives nothing
>>> t.find(40, 61)
[(60, 80, {'a': 'b'})]

Class rbi_tree.tree.ITreed supports interval deletion. This is done via values assigned automatically and serving as IDs for intervals.

>>> from rbi_tree.tree import ITreed
>>> t = ITreed()
>>> id1 = t.insert(60, 80) # start stop are integers
>>> id1
>>> id2 = t.insert(20, 40)
>>> id2

Ids are incrementing integers starting from zero reflecting number of insertion events.

>>> t.find(10, 30)
[(20, 40, 0)]

Ids of intervals can be used to remove them:

>>> t.remove(1)
>>> t.find(10, 30) # now it finds nothing
>>> t.find_at(70) # search at point
[(60, 80, 0)]
>>> list(t.iter_ivl())
[(60, 80, 0)]