python client to rchain gRPC

pip install rchain-grpc==0.7.2



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Python3 client for RChain nodes gRPC protocol

About this package

This project aims at giving to Python users an easy way to interact with the RChain blockchain. Since RChain nodes run gRPC servers (by default on port 40401), this library is built as a Python client with an up-to-date sets of (small) API that sends and receives data through the protocol.

About the RChain blockchain platform

RChain is a new and unique approach to build the blockchain platform for the next generation. You can deploy written in rholang smart contracts on RChain nodes.

Here are the main references for the project:

You can reach out to the community and developers on discord and decide to become a member of the cooperative

Current available features

  • Connecting to RChain rnode through gRPC protocol
  • Listing blocks and dumping tuple-space from one.
  • Deploying rholang contracts and propose new blocks
  • Listening for streams of data when proposing blocks

Python supported versions

This code is tested on latest Python3.6 and Python3.7 releases only.

Compatibility with Rchain versions

Rchain is beeing developed as we speak, be careful on which version of this package you install:

  • Releases <= 0.0.10 are compatible with RNode 0.6.x
  • 0.7.x is compatible with RNode 0.7.x
  • 0.8.x will be compatible with RNode 0.8.x
  • etc.


Recommended way to install the package is to use the official python package manager, e.g. from command line:

pip install rchain-grpc

You can also download the package in the Pypi web site.

NOTE: you can test the library by just running a docker container:

docker run \
    --rm --interactive --tty --entrypoint /bin/bash \
    python:3.7 \
    -c "pip install rchain-grpc ipython && ipython"

In [1]: import rchain_grpc

In [2]: rchain_grpc.__version__
Out[2]: '0.7.2'

Code examples

This project is a wrapper to simplify the use of gRPC interaction with RChain networks. Here we describe now the main examples you can use it with.

create a connection to a running node

To connect to a running RChain Casper network you need to create the connection object:

from rchain_grpc import casper

rnode_host = '...'  # valid IP of running node
rnode_port = 40401  # default
connection = casper.create_connection(host=rnode_host, port=rnode_port)

deploy a rholang contract

Contracts written in rholang use the .rho file extension. You can read one and deploy it to the rnode using the connection object:

rholang_file = 'hello_world.rho'
with open(rholang_file) as fh:
    rholang_code =

# deploy the code and create the new block for the current rchain blockchain

casper.deploy(connection, rholang_code)
>>> {'success': True, 'message': 'Success!'}
>>> {'success': True, 'message': 'Success! Block 33a9183ff0... created and added.'}

# watch the RNode logs for any stdout
# or to verify the same block hash

Note that the rholang_code is just a string with rholang valid instructions, you can write your own inside Python too.

get blocks

Get the latest block hash:

casper.get_blocks(connection, depth=1)

>>> [{'blockHash': '33a9183ff02c17f9d55d0a087be453163bc39fd07a3d19f3fac10a67286a6135',
  'blockSize': '1340',
  'blockNumber': 1,
  'deployCount': 1,
  'tupleSpaceHash': '477f7f0c469de6d500d8a1f74852a4ecf49df9a7fa463207d62258161bf39fb7',
  'timestamp': 1540906627156,
  'faultTolerance': -1.0,
  'mainParentHash': 'd85ee52cec7c09e301cef8ad2d3b3e807defc54f92d391f75c96a366c878d54a',
  'parentsHashList': ['d85ee52cec7c09e301cef8ad2d3b3e807defc54f92d391f75c96a366c878d54a'],
  'sender': 'eabe5a1a0750d2a8745709bb0bdb24f63c6a8ac3a887b9bed40b34b0598ddf08'}]

# NOTE: protobuf outputs are always converted into Python dictionaries
# automatically by our library

Once you know a block hash you can get detailed informations and a dump of tuplespace directly:

output = casper.get_blocks(connection)
block_hash = output.pop().get('blockHash')
block = casper.get_block(connection, block_hash=block_hash)


# [...]
# lots of code output

context manager

The connection provided by the library can be used inside a with statement:

# all previous operations in one context

with casper.create_connection(host=rnode_host) as connection:

    # deploy / propose
    casper.deploy(connection, rholang_code)

    # handle output
    output = casper.get_blocks(connection, depth=1)
    block_hash = output.pop().get('blockHash')
    block = casper.get_block(connection, block_hash=block_hash)
    print(f"Current block number is {block.get('blockNumber')}\nwith hash {block_hash}")

# NOTE: connection here is closed

interact with channels

In a more advanced use case, we could also specify a channel to listen to:

output_placeholder = "your_channel_name"
# A rholang contract that sends 'bar' string to our channel
rholang_code = f"""

with casper.create_connection(host=rnode_host) as connection:
    block = casper.run_and_get_value_from(
        connection, rholang_code,

    results = block.get('blockResults').pop()
    for message in results.get('postBlockData'):
        print("Received: ", message.pop())

    # here we get 'bar' back

name registry

Using the techniques tested so far we can now:

  • write a contract with an unforgeable name
  • register its name to Name Registry (introduced in 0.7)
  • and get the id for lookup, to call the contract back

So - all programmatically from Python - we can call a contract in a secure way.

First let's register the name to the Registry:

ack_name = 'channel_name_for_ack'

rholang_code = """
new newName, ack, register(`rho:registry:insertArbitrary`), stdout(`rho:io:stdout`) in
  register!(bundle+{*newName}, *ack)
  contract newName(@msg) = {
    stdout!("Contract called with message: " ++ msg)
  for (@msg <- ack) {
    %s!(["From registry: ", msg])
""" % ack_name

with casper.create_connection(host=rnode_host) as connection:
    block = casper.run_and_get_value_from(connection, rholang_code, ack_name)

# NOTE: registry will output in the block something like
# 'rho:id:agbnzpa8h8ie9ohfaa5goqne8zmoidxfrhfg4quypaf6qwkyiy3az6'

Now let's parse the output. A possible way to make it easier is with JSON and regular expressions:

import re
import json

post_block_data = block.get('blockResults').pop().get('postBlockData')
post_block_str = json.dumps(post_block_data)

match ="rho:id:[^\"]+",  post_block_str)
registry_id =

Now with the ID you can lookup in the Registry and call the contract from somewhere else safely.

rholang_code = """
new return, lookup(`rho:registry:lookup`), stdout(`rho:io:stdout`) in
  lookup!(`%s`, *return) |
  for (myContract <- return) {
    myContract!("This should output STDOUT in your node")
""" % registry_id

with casper.create_connection(host=RNODE_HOST) as connection:
    print(casper.deploy(connection, rholang_code))

Evaluating code

You can evaluate code without impacting the node.

This is usefull for checking syntax errors in your rholang code, or to get a sense of how expensive your code would be to run in the real network.

from rchain_grpc import repl

rnode_host = '...'  # valid IP of running node
internal_grpc_port = 40402

connection = repl.create_connection(host=rnode_host, port=internal_grpc_port)
rholang_code = """new print(`rho:io:stdout`) in { print!("Hello World!") }"""
output = repl.eval(connection=connection, program=rholang_code)
# or line by line with
# output =, line=rholang_code)

# parse it
tuple_space, costs = repl.output_parser(output)
print("Your code would cost: ", costs)
print("Tuple space glimps: ", tuple_space[:100] + '...')

NOTE: syntax errors give better explanation in rnode logs

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