Reference Container
This library implements a simple container which holds a single value. The container is completely typed, supports an optional default value, supports readonly mode, and does runtime type checking.
from refcontainer import Ref, ReadOnlyError
# Initialize with value
str_ref = Ref('hello')
assert str_ref.current == 'hello'
del str_ref.current
_ = str_ref.current # raises AttributeError
str_ref.current = 'world'
assert str_ref.current == 'world'
str_ref.current = 0 # raises TypeError
str_ref.current = 'world' # raises ReadOnlyError
# Initialize as readonly (engraved)
str_ref = Ref.readonly('hello')
del str_ref.current # raises ReadOnlyError
assert str_ref.current == 'hello'
# Initialize with type tags
ref = Ref[str | int]('hello')
assert ref.current == 'hello'
ref.current = 'world'
ref.current = 0
with raises(TypeError):
ref.current = 0.
# Disable type checking
ref = Ref[Any]('hello')
# Initialize with type but without value
num_ref = Ref[float]()
with raises(AttributeError):
_ = num_ref.current
num_ref.current = 0.
assert num_ref.current == 0
num_ref.current = 'hello' # raises TypeError
From PyPI:
pip install refcontainer
From source:
git clone
cd python-ref
pip install .
with install to link sources to installation
python -m build .
Push to PyPI:
python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*