
PostgreSQL REST access

pip install relately==0.0.5



rest interface for postgresql select queries.


This is a standard flask/wsgi app, so the general aspects of running in dev mode and deploying behind gunicorn/uwsgi and nginx should go without saying. There's a file in the project root, which will run a simple development version, and a file relately-server which is a CLI script intended to be used for general development outside this project.

If you have a postgres database relately and access as a superuser on your current account you can run relately with just:


which will run on port 8008 by default.

If you need to specify the connection details and/or port, you may do so as such:

relately-server -p 8008 -d relately -u relately --password plaintextreally

Obviously it's preferred to have something more sophisticated than a plain text password. Also, if you're going to expose this publicly, the database user should have limited permissions (i.e. use on the schema it needs to see and select on the tables/views it needs), and in any more critical environment it should probably be a read-only slave database for safety purposes.


Currently the server supports one method, select in either GET or POST. relately uses the built-in json serialization in postgresql, so be cognizant of default json serialization for custom or complex types.


/select/<schema>/<entity> :: {"results":[{},{}]}


/select with a json body of a query:

    "columns":["name", "max|num"],
        "left_operand": "sum|num",
        "operator": ">",
        "right_operand": 1
        "left_operand": "sum|num",
        "operator": "<",
        "right_operand": 3


        "using": "num"

You may also add the query string parameter ?mogrify=True which will return the compiled SQL rather than executing the query.

Currently, relately is very rude about headers. It neither looks at nor writes them, so expect json in and json out for now.


This package is covered by a test suite which is intended to be run by green, nose or some other similar tool that will auto-detect testing files. The tests do depend on the sql in test/test_data having been run to set up the world and join_test schema. Currently, the package has 100% test coverage (except for some debugging logging lines...). To run the tests, you should install the test runner of your choice globablly using pip, i.e. sudo pip install green.