
Extensible program to compare local and remote directories.

pip install remcmp==1.0.post1



Extensible program to compare local and remote directories.

Since it uses the fs module, any extensions (such as fs.smbfs) can be used simply by installing them, and you can write your own.


You can install it using pip:

pip3 install remcmp

Or download it directly from PyPI.


$ remcmp -h
usage: [-h] [-f] [-c] [-lf LOG_FILE] [-ll LOG_LEVEL] dir1 dir2

Remote compare directories.

positional arguments:
  dir1                  First directory to compare
  dir2                  Second directory to compare

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --files-only      Do not recurse into folders, only compare the files
  -c, --no-color        Do not output colorful text
  -lf LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
                        Log into a file. This disables colored output
  -ll LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Which logging level to use. SUMMARY can be used to
                        only show the summary. By default this is INFO for
                        terminal and DEBUG for log file

Exit codes

Each stat (e.g. Equal, File only exists on one side) has a flag. If it is encountered at least once then it is OR-ed with the exit code. E.g. Directory only exists on one side and File only exists on one side: 8 | 32 = 40.

No stat: 0
Error: 1
Equal: 2
Not equal: 4
Directory only exists on one side: 8
Directory is file on the other side: 16
File only exists on one side: 32
File is directory on the other side: 64