
Automatic code and configuration updates for continuous deployment environments

pip install repo-deploy==1.0.5



Polls a central application configuration repository for application configuration and code updates.

The result of this polling is a directory of arbitrary application files, which the application container installed on the server image is expected to monitor for updates.

The directory to monitor is located at ${deployDir}/current. By default, this resolves to /var/deploy/current. Alternate locations can be specified in /etc/repo-deploy/repo-deploy.cfg.

You can install repo-deploy from PyPI:

pip install repo-deploy

Command line parameters

usage: repo-deploy [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--pre-hooks PRE_HOOKS]
                [--post-hooks POST_HOOKS] [-i ID] [-d DIRECTORY] [-f] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file
  --cache DIRECTORY     The local cache/work directory
  --pre-hooks PRE_HOOKS
                        Pre-update script hooks directory
  --post-hooks POST_HOOKS
                        Post-update script hooks directory
                        Remote repository
                        Local directory
  -f, --fetch           Fetch config once and exit
  -v, --verbose         Verbose logging for debugging

/etc/repo-deploy/repo-deploy.cfg options:

Option Value
remote The configuration repository URL. Currently supports s3, http(s), and git (see below for details)
local The local repository directory
schedule A cron-like schedule string that configures when the deployer will check for updates (ignored if run with -f)

Repository formats

HTTP/S repositories

HTTP repositories should provide the URL to a ZIP file, whose contents will be extracted to the local repository directory.

S3 repositories

S3 repositories have the same structure of HTTP repositories, but the URL should be of the form s3://bucket/path/to/ For non-public buckets, you can specify credentials in several different ways:

  1. Use IAM instance roles to automatically provide credentials (preferred)

  2. Save the credentials to ~deploy/.amazon/account-key, with the following format:

  1. Specify the access key and secret key in /etc/repo-deploy/repo-deploy.cfg

Git repositories

Git repositories use standard Git URLs, with the added ability to specify a specfic directory and branch to clone.

URL structure:

If /path or #branch are omitted, repo-deploy defaults to cloning the root of the master branch.

Pre/Post update hooks

For application-specific update processes, you can bundle pre-and-post-update hook scripts in the deployer machine image. These scripts go in /etc/repo-deploy/pre-update.d and /etc/repo-deploy/post-update.d. Any executable file in these directories will be run before or after a code update happens.

Environment variables

Two environment variables are passed to script hooks to allow hooks to intelligently compare configuration changes:

  • CURRENT_CONFIG The current (new) configuration directory
  • PREVIOUS_CONFIG The previous (existing) configuration directory

Return values

A non-zero return value indicates that the current update should be blocked (for pre-update hooks) or reverted (for post-update hooks). The update will be tried again on the next scheduled check (default 60 seconds.) This behavior should only be used in exceptional cases (i.e. the app is in an unstable state) rather than as a scheduling mechanism. Scheduling should be handled by cron (with -f command line parameter) or the "schedule" configuration variable.

Use cases

Pre-update hooks can be used to:

  • block updates until the application is in an updatable state
  • acquire a distributed update lock to facilitate rolling updates in a cluster

Post-update hooks can be used to:

  • move files to the correct locations
  • reload/restart the application
  • verify service health
  • release a distributed rolling update lock