
res-manager helps you to manage your experimental results data in a more convenient way.

pip install res-manager==2.2.1


Experimental Results Manager

PyPI Travis build License Last commit Status

This project helps you to handle your experimental results efficiently when doing your research. Basically it uses pickle and sqlite3 to save, load and manage the data, now we provide you with some high-level interfaces so that you can get rid of pickle dumping and loading from disk all the time.

Since it is based on pickle, in theory you can use it to manage all types of data in python, you can even save an object as shown in the following examples.


pip install res-manager


Just start with from res_manager import ResultManager, now you can create an object with rm = ResultManager(path) and then use it to save, load, delete and preview your data.

>>> from res_manager import ResultManager
>>> rm = ResultManager('data')
>>>[1, 2, 3], topic='test saving', name='data1', comment='Test saving a list')
>>>, topic='test saving', comment='Test saving a number without a name')
>>>, topic='topic 2', name="object of \"ResultManager\"", comment='Saving an object')
>>>{0:1,1:'string'}, name="hongshan's dict without topic")
>>> rm.print_meta_info()
>>> rm.load(3)
    <res_manager.manager.ResultManager object at 0x7f29c8587470>
>>> rm.load(3, version='first')
    [1, 2, 3]
>>> rm.delete_by_id(3, version='latest')
>>> rm.update_meta(1, name='b', topic='topic 5')


This project mainly provides:

  • A class named ResultManager that provides all functions.
  • Save your data.
  • ResultManager.load: Loading data by ID.
  • ResultManager.print_meta_info: Print all meta info of saved data, including data id, name, topic.
  • ResultManager.delete_by_id: Delete data from yor storage.
  • ResultManager.update_meta: Update meta information.
  • ResultManager.print_names and ResultManager.print_comments: Print names and comments.
  • ResultManager.print_data_info: Print details of the requested data.

Future Plan

  • Adding support to save and load figures for each piece of data
  • Add more interfaces



  • prettytable>=0.7.2


ResultManager is developed by Python 3.5 and tested on python 2.6, 2.7, 3.4-3.7

Key release notes

  • 1.0.3 Save data to pickle files, initial version.
  • 2.0.0 Introduce SQLite to save and manage data.
  • 2.1.0 Securely closing SQLite connections under any circumstances.
  • 2.2.0 Add support to quotation marks, add update_meta interface, simplifier some interfaces.
  • 3.0.0 Add version control to manage data at different versions with the same name.