Package for receiver functions analysis and dealing with sediment effects in receiver functions

Seismology, Receiver, Function, Sediment, effect, in, functions, Crustal, modelling, Moho, Earth, Sciences
pip install rfsed==0.1.3


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A software for receiver functions analysis and dealing with sediment effects

python version

rfsed is developed specifically to implement different techniques of analysing receiver functions from stations overlying sedimentary layers. The software is adaptable, efficient, and easy-to-use for different analysis of receiver functions obtained from stations overlying sedimentary layers.

Receiver functions techniques implemented in rfsed are:

  • H-k stacking (one layer) of Zhu and Kanamori (2000)
  • Sequential H-k stacking (two layers) of Yeck et al., (2013)
  • Resonance filtering and modified H-k stacking of Yu et al., (2015)
  • H-k stacking and Waveform Fitting (two-step method) of Akinremi et al., (2024)
  • Analysis of the synthetic reciever functions with the above-mentioned methods.

Beside these receiver function methods, rfsed has the following features:

  • Extracting earthquake data from local seismic record files.
  • Multiprocessing options for waveform fitting and extracting earthquake data from local seismic record files.
  • Creating publication quality figures for the results of the analysis.

Receiver functions streams in the rfsed are handled by the RFStream class of the rf open software, and it inherits a lot of useful methods from the Obspy class Stream. It is supported via the obspyh5 package. For more information on class RFStream, see documentation on rf. In the rfsed modules to extract earthquake data from local seismic records, read and write support for necessary metadata is provided for SAC, SeismicHanlder and HDF5 formats based on ObsPy.

Installation and testing of this software

Installation from PyPi

The easiest way to install rfsed is via pip::

pip install rfsed

Installation development version from source code

To obtain the latest updates, you can install rfsed from the source code from available on GitHub.

Clone the rfsed repository from GitHub

git clone

Change directory to the same directory that this repo is in

cd rfsed 

Installing using pip

pip install .

Test the rfsed software

You can test the software using pytest by running this command in the software directory and will look for all available tests in the current directory and subdirectories recursively


Or run individual tests in the /tests/ directory

Getting started

Access rfsed's documentation here.

rfsed comes with tutorials that demonstrates all its methods. See the documentation for more details.

Reporting Bugs / Contact the developers

This version is an early release of rfsed. If you encounter any issues or unexpected behaviour, please open an issue on GitHub.


If you have any questions about the software, please use the discussions feature


All contributions are welcome ... e.g. report bugs, discuss or add new features.

Citing rfsed

If you use rfsed in your work, please consider citing the following paper.

  • Akinremi S., van der Meijde, M., Thomas, C., Afonso, J. C., Ruigrok, E., & Fadel, I. (2024). Waveform fitting of receiver functions for enhanced retrieval of crustal structure in the presence of sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 5(129).


  • Akinremi, S., van der Meijde, M., Thomas, C., Afonso J. C., Ruigrok E., Fadel, I. (2024). Waveform fitting of receiver functions for enhanced retrieval of crustal structure in the presence of sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 5(129).
  • Tom Eulenfeld T., (2020). rf: Receiver function calculation in seismology. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(48), 1808,
  • Yeck, W. L., Sheehan, A. F., & Schulte-Pelkum, V. (2013). Sequential h-k stacking to obtain accurate crustal thicknesses beneath sedimentary basins. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103, 2142-2150.
  • Yu, Y., Song, J., Liu, K. H., & Gao, S. S. (2015). Determining crustal structure beneath seismic stations overlying a low-velocity sedimentary layer using receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120 , 3208-3218.
  • Zhu, L., & Kanamori, H. (2000). Moho depth variation in southern California from teleseismic receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 105, 2969-2980.

Related receiver function projects

  • rf including calculation of receiver functions
  • seispy including hk-stacking
  • RFPy including hk-stacking, harmonic decomposition
  • BayHunter inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
  • telewavesim teleseismic body wave modeling through stacks of anisotropic layers
  • PyGLImER including common conversion point imaging