
A library to convert between integers and Unicode Roman numerals.

text, roman, numerals, convert
pip install roman-numerals==0.1.0


Read Me

This library will convert integers to unicode Roman numerals, or vice versa. The library supports Apostrophus and Vinculum notation on top of standard Roman numerals.

This library also supports the use of unicode fallback characters. For example, when using fallback characters, instead of outputting code point U+216F (â…¯) the library will output the latin M character, which looks identical to the Roman numeral glyph.

Please keep in mind that fallback characters should only be used if escape sequences are unavailable.

Road Map

  • 0.1 Convert between numerals and integers
  • 0.2 Integrate services like PyUp and TravisCI
  • 0.3 Add support for fallback characters
  • 0.4 Write documenation
  • 0.5 Add support for Apostrophus
  • 0.6 Add support for Vinculum
  • 1.0 Full feature release


The structure of the project forces tests to run on an installed version of the code.

You can run the tests directly with python test. Alternatively, you could install the package with pip install -e . or python develop and then run tests with py.test.

To run linters, checkers, and tests on multiple Python versions, simply invoke tox.