
Sphinx theme for http://docs.shishimao.com/

pip install rtcat-sphinx-theme==0.1.1


RealTimeCat Sphinx Theme

RealTimeCat Sphinx theme is a fork of the excellent sphinx_rtd_theme. See the documentation there for general information.

Stay in sync

In order to always stay in sync with the upstream sphinx_rtd_theme, this repository contains two remotes: upstream and origin. See Github's syncing a fork article for more information.


Via package

Download the package or add it to your requirements.txt file:

$ pip install rtcat_sphinx_theme

In your conf.py file:

import rtcat_sphinx_theme

html_theme = "rtcat_sphinx_theme"

html_theme_path = [rtcat_sphinx_theme.get_html_theme_path()]

Via git or download

Symlink or submodule/subtree the RTCat/rtcat_sphinx_theme repository into your documentation at docs/_themes/rtcat_sphinx_theme then add the following two settings to your Sphinx conf.py file:

html_theme = "rtcat_sphinx_theme"
html_theme_path = ["_themes/rtcat_sphinx_theme", ]


The rtcat_sphinx_theme is primarily a sass project that requires a few other sass libraries. I'm using bower to manage these dependencies and sass to build the css. The good news is I have a very nice set of grunt operations that will not only load these dependencies, but watch for changes, rebuild the sphinx demo docs and build a distributable version of the theme. The bad news is this means you'll need to set up your environment similar to that of a front-end developer (vs. that of a python developer). That means installing node and ruby.

Set up your environment

  1. Install sphinx into a virtual environment.
virtualenv ve
source ve/bin/activate
pip install sphinx
  1. Install sass
gem install sass
  1. Install node, bower and grunt.
// Install bower and grunt
npm install -g bower grunt-cli

// Now that everything is installed, let's install the theme dependecies.
npm install

Now that our environment is set up, make sure you're in your virtual environment, go to this repository in your terminal and run grunt:


This default task will do the following very cool things that make it worth the trouble.

  1. It'll install and update any bower dependencies.
  2. It'll run sphinx and build new docs.
  3. It'll watch for changes to the sass files and build css from the changes.
  4. It'll rebuild the sphinx docs anytime it notices a change to .rst, .html, .js or .css files.