
a tool for defining repeatable processes in code

runbook, playbook, process
pip install runbook==0.2

Documentation (v0.1)

pip3 install runbook

Inspired by this blog post by Dan Slimmon.

Define your own run-book in a class extending from Runbook. Every method that doesn't begin with an underscore is read in as a step to be completed, in order. The step name will be built from the method name, and the description is taken either from the method's own docstring or from any data returned from invoking the method.

from runbook import Runbook

class CustomRunbook(Runbook):
    def first_step(self):
        Do ABC now.
    def second_step():
        Do EFG then wait 1 hour.

    def third_step():
        task = "reboot"
        return f"perform a {task}"
    def last_step():
        """Everything ok?"""

Every Runbook object comes with a default main method that you can use to execute the script.

if __name__ == '__main__':

The run-book object can also be instantiated and run directly.

book = CustomRunbook(file_path="path/to/file")

You should avoid using the step names run and main, which are already defined. If you need to override these methods to define custom behavior then that is fine.

As steps are completed, the results are written out to a log file. You can set a custom log file path by passing an argument to main, as in:

python3 output.log

When reusing the same log file, already completed steps will be skipped. Any new steps found in the Runbook and not already in the log will be processed as normal, with results appended to the end of the file.


Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 (ASL 2.0).