
A simple and easy timetracker for loging working hours and automatic wage calculation.

pip install salary-timetracker==0.6


A handy tool with a command line interface for logging time worked. At any time you can see how much you have spent time on a particular project and how much you have earned on it.


  • Track-file with data on time costs is created in the root directory of the project's git repository, which you are working on at the moment.
  • Data is saved in CSV format.

Requirements and restrictions

  • Git: The app will only work when you are inside a git repository.
  • Python 3: The application was not tested to work under Python 2.


pip install salary-timetracker


tt [-h] [-s] {log} ...

positional arguments:
    log          Create a new timetracker log record with time and

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -s, --summary  Show summary.
tt log [-h] minutes [comments [comments ...]]

positional arguments:
  minutes     Time in minutes spent on work.
  comments    Commens on the work done (optional)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The app settings can be changed through the configuration file, which should be located along the path: ~/.config/timetracker.conf. And to have the following format:

# default settings
currency = 'USD'
hourly_rate = 20
default_comment = '' # comment when adding time
date_format = '%d %b %Y'
time_format = '%H:%M'
csv_delimiter =','


Show help:

tt -h

You have worked for 2 hours and want to write this down:

tt log 120 'I did this'
# Data was successfully added

Show summary:

tt -s
# Hours worked: 2.6 | Salary: 52 USD