

pip install saml-ecp-demo==0.4



The SAML Enhanced Client or Proxy Profile (ECP) is a SAML authentication method designed for non-browser non-interactive SAML auththentication. It is commonly used by command line tools to authenticate via SAML.

ECP is often misunderstood and example implementations are hard to find. saml_ecp_demo is a Python3 implementation of ECP designed both to educate implementors about ECP and perform a complete ECP authentication flow with the ability to dump all protocol interactions for the purpose of education and/or diagnosing ECP transactions.

All documenation can be found in, it is extensive and worth reading. The script also supports the --help command line argument and will print out usage information.

% saml_ecp_demo --help

An example of the saml_ecp_demo output can be found in saml_ecp_demo.log

Installing and Running:

You can run the script from a checkout of the Github repo

% cd saml_ecp_demo
% python3
# Or make it executable and run it directly
% chmod +x
% ./


saml_ecp_demo is also available as a Python PI package and can be installed via Python pip.

% pip3 install --user saml_ecp_demo

This will create an entry in the appropriate bin directory called "saml_ecp_demo" which can then be run by typing that name on the command line.

% saml_ecp_demo ...

Note: The --user tells pip to install in the user's home directory not in the system directories which are often managed by the operating system package manager and would require root access for installation. It's also advisable to have pip avoid using the system locations because it can corrupt files maintained by the system package manager. When you use --user you'll find the installed files under ~/.local

Important: saml_ecp_demo is written for Python3, it does not support Python2, make sure you're using the Python3 version of pip otherwise the generated console script will invoke the wrong Python interpreter.

Note: This installs a Python package called saml_ecp_demo under $PY_INSTALL_LOCATION/site-packages/saml_ecp_demo. The actual source code is in $PY_INSTALL_LOCATION/site-packages/saml_ecp_demo/ The Python pip installer creates a console script called saml_ecp_demo in the appropriate bin directory that simply loads the actual script from the package directory. Python uses this redirection for scripts because running scripts is operating system specific but Python code is portable.


Use the -h or --help command line option to display all command line options and get basic usage info.

The script requires 4 pieces of information to run:

-s --sp-resource:

This is the URL of a resource at the SP protected by SAML authentication. It is what the ECP client wants and will use ECP to obtain.

-i --idp-endpoint:

The ECP client selects the IdP. For the purposes of this script we explicitly supply the IdP or more accurately the SingleSignOnService endpoint URL as advertised by the IdP in it's metadata supporting the SOAP binding. To find this URL search for a SingleSignOnService element in the IdP metadata which also has a Binding attribute of "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP". The Location attribute will be the URL to be used as the --idp-endpoint.

-u --user:

The user name the IdP will authenticate.

-p' --password:

The user password used to authenticate with. If it's not supplied on the command line the tool will prompt for it.

The tool will emit varying levels of diagnostic information as it runs. See the --log-categories command line option to see how to control the verbosity and/or type of information displayed.

John Dennis