Functions I use regularly with my python projects

pip install sandspythonfunctions==0.1.0


Sands Python Functions

Code style: black

Some functions I find useful regularly and I put them all into one package for easy access

I created this using Poetry.


  • To build this you must first install poetry see instructions here
  • However to make it easy to access this is all of the code you'll need on linux to make this run (note that I use zsh not bash for my shell)
    • First you must navigate to the folder containing these files LICENSE 'README' dist poetry.lock pyproject.toml src
    • You then to make sure that you have the python environment that you want activated
    • You can then enter the code below
# installation on linux
curl -sSL | python -
# check version
poetry --version
# update poetry
poetry self update

# set up virtual environment using pyenv
python -m venv venv
# activate the virtual environment
source ./venv/bin/activate
# upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Initialising a pre-existing project (not already managed by poetry)
cd pre-existing-project
poetry init

# poetry add (or remove) PackageName
poetry add PackageName
poetry remove PackageName
# update the poetry.lock file
poetry update
# The build command builds the source and wheels archives
poetry build
# The install command reads the pyproject.toml file from the current project, resolves the dependencies, and installs them.
poetry install
# this will publish the package
poetry publish

Basic Usage Example


Included Packages

Functions from EmailFunctions

Functions from MultiprocessingFunctions

Functions from ParquetFunctions

Functions from PrintFunctions

Functions from TimerFunctions


See this repo for an example of someone using poetry with they're python project to upload to PyPI on push to master.

Other Notes About This Code

I use "TESTCODE:" to designate code used in testing functions and scripts. I try to make sure to comment or delete those lines in the release versions of the package