
Base class for classes that poll a task regularly, with a constant minimum time interval between each poll. Each polling interval is the maximum of a) polling_interval_secs and b) the time taken to do the task.

pip install scheduled-poller==1.3


scheduled_poller Package

Base class for classes that polls a task regularly, with a constant minimum time interval between each poll.
Warning: Each polling interval is the maximum of a) polling_interval_secs and b) the time taken to do the task.
        (so the polling interval might be longer than polling_interval_secs
ToDo: An alternative name might be ScheduledTask

def __init__(self):
        Construct a new Scheduled_poller object (Scheduled_poller is an abstract class)

def do_work(self):
        Perform the work to be done, during each poll (aka 'scheduled task')

        :raises This procedure must be overridden or it will raise a NotImplemenetedError


def start(self, polling_interval_secs=DEFAULT_INTERVAL):
        Start (or re-start) the poller. This will run the do_work procedure every self.polling_interval_secs seconds
        If the do_work procedure takes longer than polling_interval_secs, the next poll will take place as
        soon as the task has finished:
            Each polling interval is the maximum of a) polling_interval_secs and b) the time taken to do the task.

        :param polling_interval_secs: time interval (seconds) between scheduled runs.
        :raises polling_interval_secs must be greater than 0 or a ValueError will be returned.
        :type polling_interval_secs: float



def stop(self):
        Stop the poller. if it is running. If none is running, do nothing.
