
schemapi: generate Python APIs from JSONSchema specifications

pip install schemapi==0.3.0



Auto-generate Python APIs from JSON schema specifications

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JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.

schemapi is a package that lets you auto-generate simple Python object-based APIs given a valid JSON schema specification. The generated code is essentially a traitlets-based Python object hierarchy designed to allow validated JSON documents to be created with Python code.

The motivating case for this package was the Altair visualization library: Altair is a Python API built on the Vega-Lite grammar of visualization, and the bulk of the Altair package is generated automatically using schemapi.

Simple Example

As a very simple example, imagine you have the following simple JSON schema, defined as a Python dictionary:

>>> schema = {
...   'properties': {
...     'name': {'type': 'string'},
...     'age': {'type': 'integer'}
...   }
... }

This schema specifies that a data instance is valid if it has a key "name" that maps to a string, and a key "age" that maps to an integer. So, for example, this dictionary would be valid:

>>> valid = {'name': 'suzie', 'age': 32}

while this dictionary would not:

>>> invalid = {'name': 'suzie', 'age': 'old'}

Validation with jsonschema

In Python, you can use the jsonschema package to validate any data objects against this schema. For example, this data passes:

>>> jsonschema.validate(valid, schema)

While this data fails, as indicated by the ValidationError:

>>> jsonschema.validate(invalid, schema)
ValidationError: 'old' is not of type 'integer'

API Generation

The schemapi package lets you generate a Python API that allows you to build up this kind of data not with raw dictionaries, but with an object-oriented Python approach.

For example, here is how you can create a local module named myschema that includes an object hierarchy designed for creating and validating data under this schema:

>>> import schemapi

>>> api = schemapi.JSONSchema(schema)

>>> api.write_module('myschema')
saving to myschema at /Users/jakevdp/github/altair-viz/schemapi

The result of this is that a new Python module named myschema is written to disk in the local directory; we can import the root object (an object of type derived from traitlets.HasTraits), and use it to construct some data:

>>> from myschema import Root

>>> data = Root(name='suzie', age=32)

This data can be output in the form of a JSON dict:

>>> data.to_dict()
{'age': 32, 'name': 'suzie'}

The object can also be instantiated from a dict:

data = Root.from_dict({'age': 32, 'name': 'suzie'})

The object allows data to be modified in-place using attribute access:

>>> = 'frank'

>>> data.to_dict()
{'age': 32, 'name': 'frank'}

And any time the data is set, it is validated to make sure it is compatible with the schema definition, raising a traitlets.TraitError if the value is not compatible:

>>> data.age = 'old'
TraitError: The 'age' trait of a Root instance must be a JSON integer, but a value of 'old' <class 'str'> was specified.

>>> Root(name='suzie', age='old')
TraitError: The 'age' trait of a Root instance must be a JSON integer, but a value of 'old' <class 'str'> was specified.

By utilizing JSONSchema definitions and references, much more complicated nested object hierarchies are possible, and the generated classes can be subclassed in order to create domain-specific APIs for specifying data that can be serialized to and from JSON. For an example of a much more complicated schema in action, see the Altair project.


You can install the released version from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install schemapi

To install the bleeding-edge version from source, you can download this repository and installing locally:

$ git clone
$ cd schemapi
$ pip install .


To run the test suite you must have py.test installed. To run the tests, use

py.test --pyargs schemapi

(you can omit the --pyargs flag if you are running the tests from a source checkout).


schemapi is released under a 3-Clause BSD License.

Feedback and Contribution

We welcome any input, feedback, bug reports, and contributions via schemapi's GitHub repository.