Log digging helper

pip install scribehog==1.2.2



Hog helps you specify the files you want to open when looking through your Scribe logs.

PyPI version build status codecov Checked with mypy Code style: black


pip3 install --upgrade scribehog


hog [options] logcategory [interval]

-h, --help Print usage information.
-v, --verbose Verbose logging.
-y, --verify Require user confirmation before printing the selected logs.

logcategory a hyphen-separated list of words or word prefixes to test against the hyphen- or underscore-separated logcategory names.
For example: if your logcategory is called alpha_bravo_charlie, you can match it with alpha-bravo-charlie, or just al-brav-c, maybe even a-b-c, as long as it's unambigious given the list of all logcategories.
Note that the order of the words does not matter, ie. al-br-ch and ch-br-al are the same.

interval a reference to the file or files you want to read. The default value is -1, meaning the most recent file. You can either use negative numbers as relative references like this, or specify a date and time in the format of hh, dd-hh, mm-dd-hh, or yyyy-mm-dd-hh. For example, you can pass -3 for the third most recent logfile, or 10-09 for the logfile on the 10th at 9:00 AM (note the leading 0 in the hour).

Ranges can also be specified by using a colon, eg. -3:-2 or 10-15:10-18.
Relative and absolute references can be freely mixed, eg. -10:12-31-20.
When omitting a reference from either side of the colon, the end of the list is assumed, just like in Python list slicing, eg. -5:.

You don't have to know if the specified files are gzip-compressed or not, hog takes care of that for you.
The contents are uniformly printed to stdout, so you can pipe the output into grep, less or whatever you need to use.


Make sure you have Python (>=3.5) installed.
Clone the repository, then call make develop.

hog - Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash