
A set of CLI tools for batch management of Scrum infrastructure (GitHub, Trello).

pip install scrum-tools==0.1.1



A set of tools for batch management of Scrum infrastructure.

Provides simple wrappers for mass management of:


Using PIP:

pip install scrum-tools


Create a config file named .scrum-settings.conf in your $HOME folder. Here is a sample config file that you can use as a start:

users_file                    = /path/to/users.csv
users_file_skip_first         = true
users_file_delimiter          = ;
users_file_escape_char        =
users_schema                  = ID;Username;Name;Surname;E-Mail;Group;Github;Trello
users_schema_key_id           = ID
users_schema_key_username     = Username
users_schema_key_group        = Group
users_schema_key_github       = Github
users_schema_key_trello       = Trello

auth_id                       = 
auth_token                    = 
organization                  = TU-Berlin-DIMA
team_admins                   = IMPRO-3.SS14.Admins
team_admins_group             = 0
team_users                    = IMPRO-3.SS14.Users
team_pattern                  = IMPRO-3.SS14.G%02d
repo_admins                   = IMPRO-3.SS14.Admins
repo_users                    = IMPRO-3.SS14
repo_pattern                  = IMPRO-3.SS14.G%02d

auth_key                      = 8cfa18b4d674cba889c466680f4d06d7
auth_token                    = 
organization                  = impro3ss14
board_admins                  = IMPRO-3.SS14.Admins
board_pattern                 = IMPRO-3.SS14.G%02d
board_admins_group            = 0
board_lists                   = Product Backlog;To Do;Doing;Done

course_id                     = 1000 
group_pattern                 = IMPRO-3.SS14.G%02d

You gen then get the list of the available commans like this:

$ scrum-tools

In order to get access to the GitHub and Trello APIs, you need to authorize the scrum-tools app as an API client. Type

$ scrum-tools github authorize
$ scrum-tools github authorize

and update the auth_* parameters under the [github] and [trello] sections in your .scrum-settings.conf file accordingly.

Before issuing batch-management commands, you may want to validate the account names provided in your users_file:

$ scrum-tools github validate-users
$ scrum-tools github validate-users

You can create the corresponding project structure with the following commands:

$ # for Github
$ scrum-tools github create-teams  # creates group, users and admin teams
$ scrum-tools github create-repos  # creates group, users and admin repos
$ # for Trello
$ scrum-tools trello create-boards # creates group boards

You can also create a Trello card accross all Trello boards like that:

$ scrum-tools trello create-card \
>   --card-list="Backlog"
>   --card-name="Initialize your project!"
>   --card-description="Create and push an initial project structure at GitHub!"