
Tools for reading, writing, altering, and inspecting Sandia Data Archive (SDA) files.

pip install sdafile==0.2.0



Tools for reading, writing, altering, and inspecting Sandia Data Archive (SDA) files.

Build status Build status (Windows) Coverage status


The source is hosted on GitHub at under the python directory. Releases are available on the Python package index. The package can be installed via pip: pip install sdafile.

Installation from source

After downloading the source from GitHub, issue the following command from the command line within the python directory:

python install

To install the package in development mode, instead issue the command:

python develop

Releasing to PyPI

To make a new release of the package, following these steps.

Update Version

Edit the file sdafile/ to update the dev flag on the version number. For releases, dev should be False.

Once sdafile/ is edited, upload it to the master branch on GitHub.

Release on GitHub (optional)

To help track the history of the package, release the package on GitHub.

Upload to PyPI

Package maintainers can make project releases to PyPI by running the command

python sdist upload -r pypi

The PyPI upload system is described more completely here.

Update Version (Again)

Now update the project version number. The version should get a new minor version bump. Be sure to follow semantic versioning practices. For non-releases, the dev flag should be True. Again, upload the file to the master branch on GitHub.

Building Documentation

To build documentation, you'll need a python environment with sphinx and sphinxcontrib-napoleon installed. (Both are available via pip.) To build PDF documentation, you'll also need LaTeX on your machine.

Documentation is found in the docs subdirectory. In that directory, you can run make help to view all the build targets and instructions for building them. Built documentation appears in the _build subdirectory.

