
A Python security group auditor that will scan all your AWS regions and will return the security group rules in a CSV file to easily audit

pip install security-group-auditor==0.1


Security Group Auditor

A Python security group auditor that will scan all your AWS regions and will return the security group rules in a CSV file to easily audit.


- boto3==1.7.62
- pandas==0.23.3
- awscli

Configuring awscli

  • Install aws cli from pip
  • Run aws configure and inject the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • Region can be us-east-1 but not required

How to use

  • Install using pip3 install security-group-auditor
  • Use the code via the following
    from security_group_auditor import security_group_auditor
    security_group_auditor(regions="(Required) ALL",
                       vpc_ids=["(Optional) list of vpc ids | None"],
                       protocol="(Optional) TCP | UDP | ICMP",
                       cidr=["(Optional) list of CIDR's that you want to search"],
                       user_id=["(Optional) list of AWS account ID's"],
                       sg_ids=["(Optional) list of security group ID's"],
                       audit_file_path="(Required) Path to .csv file where you want to store data. Ex: /home/user/data.csv")
  • After executing you can see the csv file in the audit_file_path specified

CSV Output Format:

CIDR | Description | Group ID | Name | Port | Region | VPC_ID