
Flexible time series analysis libraryimplementing Matrix Profile related functionality.

time, series, matrix, profile, contextual, radius, distance, motif, discord
pip install seriesdistancematrix==0.3.1


Series Distance Matrix

This is a Python 3 library for performing (time) series analysis using the Series Distance Matrix, a framework that bundles various Matrix Profile related techniques. These techniques can be used for answering questions relating to pattern similarity in series. Some example applications include:

  • finding motifs in series (finding the best matching windows)
  • finding discords in series (finding the worst matching windows)
  • finding repetitions in series
  • visualizing series
  • finding changing patterns
  • ...

The Series Distance Matrix is a generalization of the Matrix Profile that splits the generation and consumption of the all-pair subsequence distances, putting the focus on the distance matrix itself. This allows for easier and more flexible experiments by freely combining components and eliminates the need to re-implement algorithms to combine techniques in an efficient way.

Following core techniques are implemented:

  • Z-normalized Euclidean distance (including noise elimination)
  • Euclidean distance
  • (Left/Right) Matrix Profile
  • Multidimensional Matrix Profile
  • Contextual Matrix Profile
  • Radius Profile
  • Streaming and batch calculation

Following Matrix Profile related techniques are implemented:

  • Valmod: find the top-1 motif in a series for each subsequence length in a given range
  • Ostinato: find the top-1 (k of n) consensus motif in a collection of series
  • Anytime Ostinato: find the radius profile for a collection of series

When using this library for academic purposes, please cite:

title = "A generalized matrix profile framework with support for contextual series analysis",
journal = "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence",
volume = "90",
pages = "103487",
year = "2020",
issn = "0952-1976",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Dieter De Paepe and Sander Vanden Hautte and Bram Steenwinckel and Filip De Turck and Femke Ongenae and Olivier Janssens and Sofie Van Hoecke"


This library is not yet in pip, please clone this repositor and run:

python clean build install

or for development (this creates a link to the source code, rather than a library):

python develop


The basic workflow goes as follows:

  • You have one or two one- or multi-channel time series (num_channels x num_measurements). When using two time series, the number of channels should match.
  • You select generators to process a single dimension. Generators know how to create the distance matrix for the time series.
  • You select consumers to handle the output of generators, some consumers work on a single output, some can work on multiple outputs. The main goal of consumers is to keep track of relevant info in the distance matrix in an efficient way.
  • You create a calculator and specify how much of the data you want processed, when completed, output is available in the consumers.


%matplotlib inline

# Imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from distancematrix.generator.znorm_euclidean import ZNormEuclidean  # Generators live in the generator package
from distancematrix.consumer.matrix_profile_lr import MatrixProfileLR  # Consumers live in the consumer package
from distancematrix.calculator import AnytimeCalculator

# Create a one-dimensional series with 2 artefacts
data = np.array([
    np.sin(np.linspace(0,20,1000))*0.2 + np.random.rand(1000) * 0.1

data[0, 100:120] += np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 20)
data[0, 720:740] += np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 20)


# Setup generator, consumer and calculator
m = 100  # Subsequence length

calc = AnytimeCalculator(m, data)  # One series passed => self-join

gen_0 = calc.add_generator(0, ZNormEuclidean(noise_std=0.))  # Generator 0 works on channel 0
cons_0 = calc.add_consumer([0], MatrixProfileLR())  # Consumer 0 works on generator 0

# Calculate
calc.calculate_diagonals(print_progress=True, partial=1.)

# Admire the results
min_idx = np.argmin(cons_0.matrix_profile())
match_idx = cons_0.profile_index()[min_idx]


plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(range(min_idx, min_idx+m), data[0, min_idx : min_idx + m], label = "Motif")
plt.plot(range(match_idx, match_idx+m), data[0, match_idx:match_idx+m], label="Best match")
plt.gca().set_xlim((0, data.shape[1]))

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.title("Matrix Profile")
plt.vlines(min_idx, 0, 10, label="Minimum")
plt.gca().set_xlim((0, data.shape[1]))