A simple python interface for InfluxDB2.0

pip install sflux==0.0.32



Simple Influx DB wrapper for python. Builds on top of influxdb-client to make the use of Influxdb as simple as possible

Basic Usage

1. Querying data

Sflux transforms the FluxQL syntaxis into intuitive python commands that try to follow FluxQL as close as possible. A simple query looks like this:

import sflux

with sflux.Client(url='your_host', token='your_token', org='your_org') as client:
    result = client.query(bucket='your_bucket')\
        .filter(sflux.ROW('_measurement') == 'your_measurement')\
        .filter(sflux.ROW('your_column') != 'something')\

2. Writing data

The writing of time series into the database is acheived by building measurement objects for each measurement to be inserted:

import time
import sflux

measurements = [
    sflux.Measurement('measurement_name', field1='value1', field2='value2')
        .tags(tag1='tag1', tag2='tag2')
with sflux.Client(url='your_host', token='your_token', org='your_org') as client:
    client.write('your_bucket', measurements)

3. Usage considerations

This library is still under development and should be used with care. Please report any bugs as issues and they will be addressed promptly.

For now Sflux does not implement string checks to avoid Injections. Please always verify any user input before passing it to Sflux. String checking will be implemented in future releases.