
Tiny helper for command-line python

pip install shell-pype==0.1


command line tool

Use like this:

cat data.tsv | cut -c4,9 | py "print('DELETE FROM sites WHERE id IN ({0})'.format(','.join(IN)))" | psql testdb admin

Where the py bit replaces the slightly longer command:

python -c "import sys; print 'DELETE FROM sites WHERE id IN ({0})'.format(','.join(sys.stdin))"

I made this because I am tired of reading man pages for awk and sed and others; I already know python, but I am also tired of typing import sys, etc repeatedly.

os, sys, csv and json are pre-imported, as well as unicode_literals and print_function from the future.

Aditionally the following are imported and renamed:

sys.stdin -> IN
sys.stdout -> OUT
functools -> FT
itertools -> IT
operator -> OP
pprint.pprint -> PP

Install like this:

pip install shell-pype

For those interested in more robust solutions checkout pawk or pyp.