
Command-line interface to preview HDF5 files

pip install show-h5==0.2.1


Show H5

A simple python-based command-line interface for previewing the contents of HDF5 files, with various levels of detail.


Source code


pip install show_h5

Command line usage

Once installed, you'll have a command line interface to view the contents of your HDF5 files.

Basic use: show_h5 FILENAME

View usage: show_h5 -h or show_h5 --help

The following flags are also provided:

  • --section SECTION: View only the contents of the HDF5 group/dataset within the file
  • --show_attrs: Show the attributes of the datasets (if not used, defaults to not showing attributes)
  • --show_data SHOW_DATA: How much data to show in datasets: "none", "some", or "all".
    • "none": [default] Show only the name, shape, and type of the data
    • "some": Show the default amount of the data that numpy shows with a print statement
    • "all": Show all the data. Warning: this may blow up with large datasets.

API usage

from show_h5 import print_h5
print_h5(h5_filename, section=None, show_attrs=False, show_data=False)


  • h5_filename: (str) Name/location of the file to show
  • section: (str, optional) Group or dataset of the file to show (the default is None, which shows the contents of the whole file)
  • show_attrs: (bool, optional) Whether to show dataset attributes (the default is False, which only shows dataset contents)
  • show_data: (one of: ["some", "none", "all"], optional) How much data to show in datasets.
    • "none": [default] Show only the name, shape, and type of the data
    • "some": Show the default amount of the data that numpy shows with a print statement
    • "all": Show all the data. Warning: this may blow up with large datasets.