Small, simple and async web framework

aiohttp, async, asyncio, autogeneration, cli, click, crons, fastapi, framework, python, python3, rest, rest-api, restful, restful-api, swagger, swagger-generator, swagger-ui, webframework, workers
pip install simio==0.5.1



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Small, simple and async python rest api web framework based on aiohttp. Supports auto swagger generation and background workers. All you need to do is configure config!

You can see example of application with simio here.

Start with simio:

  1. Install simio
    pip install simio
  2. Start project
    mkdir my-project && cd my-project
    simio create-app
    >>> Your project name: myproj


Simio is very simple! Here is some examples:

Run your application

All you need to run your application is:

  • Get config
    config = get_config()
  • Create app builder
    from import AppBuilder
    builder = AppBuilder(config)
  • Build and run app
    app = builder.build_app(config)


Handlers in simio is just functions Just add router.handler decorator to your handler

Data from request you can mark with R type hint. It's path, query and body.

If you need clients or any variables in your, use type hint such as: Depends, Provide, Var
This arguments will be auto injected on app startup

If you need custom request validator, you can change request_validator_cls with your own class that has AbstractRequestValidator interface.

You can also change server response on request validation failure with argument on_exception_response

import trafaret as t

from simio import router, R, web
from simio_di import Depends
from pymongo import MongoClient

RequestSchema = t.Dict({
    t.Key("some_number"): t.ToInt(gte=0)
async def simple_post_handler(example: R[RequestSchema], user_id: R[int], client: Depends[MongoClient]):
    client.db.coll.insert_one({"status": "alive"})
    return web.json_response({"id": user_id, "some_number": example["some_number"],})

async def get(user_id: R[int]):
    return web.json_response(f"Your id is {user_id}!")


Just run your app and open:

Example of swagger

You can find raw json file in your project directory

Swagger generation can be disabled in config

Workers and Crons

Any async function that has app argument can be worker or cron

You can access logger, clients and everything else from app

For client access you can use same syntax for dependency injection

At this moment supported only async workers/crons, but you can easily create your own job executors Just create class with AbstractExecutor

from simio.job import async_worker, async_cron

async def ping_worker(app: web.Application):'Work')
    await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time)

@async_cron.register(cron="*/1 * * * *")
async def cron_job(app: web.Application, client: Depends[MongoClient]):
    await client.db.collection.insert({"status": "alive"})


As we said earlier, simio uses dependency injection, so everything you need to use them is just add type hint For client configuration use app config

def get_config():
    return {
        AppConfig: {
        MongoClient: {
            "host": "mongodb://localhost:27017"

And that's all!


As you see, everything in simio is just a functions, so you can write easy unit tests for them'/v1/{user_id}/handle')
async def handler(user_id: R[int], client: Depends[MongoClient]):
    await client.db.coll.insert_one({"user": user_id})
    return web.json_response({"status": "ok"})

async def test_handler():
    result = await handler(1, MagicMock())
    assert ...

!! This is 0.x version, so be ready for major updates in minor version !!