
A small, extensible python library to deal with web validations !

pip install simpleValidator==



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A small, extensible python 2 (and 3 compatible !) library to deal with web validations !

simpleValidator (or just Validator actually), comes from the need of having a simple and straightforward validation library in python.

Sure some heavy players already exists, like WTForm, but take it as both a challenge and having somefun :), it is also inspired by the simplicity of Laravel's own validator class

The library is standalone, rules are built the python way, in a module and easy to implement, the library is extensible as well !

Where to use it ? in Flask for example for people who need very simple validations

N.B. : while i have years of experiences in php, i am mostly a newbie in python, this was a good idea to test on, and my very first OSS project as well :)


1. pip install simpleValidator
2. git clone
    a. cd simpleValidator
    b. run python
3. wget (or download through your browser !)
    a. unzip file
    b. cd simpleValidator-*
    c. run python

Use case:

from simplevalidator import Validator

my_items_to_test = {
    'name': 'myusername',
    'email': '',

my_validation_rules = {
    'name': 'required',
    'email': 'required|email',

v = Validator()
v.make(fields = my_items_to_test, rules = my_validation_rules)

### alternatively from the class constructor :
v = Validator(fields = my_items_to_test, rules = my_validation_rules)

### returns True if the validation failed, False if passed
if v.fails():
    # do something
    # do something else

### returns a list of error messages

### returns the list of failed validation only (no error message)

Custom Validation !

simpleValidator is extensible at runtime ! you can add in your own validation rules and messages !

from simplevalidator import Validator

my_items_to_test = {
    'name': 'myusername',
    'email': '',

my_validation_rules = {
    'name': 'required|mycustomrule',
    'email': 'required|email',

my_validation_messages = {
    'mycustomrule': '{0} is not equal to 1 !'

def mycustomrule(value):
    return value == 1

v = Validator()
v.extend({'mycustomrule': mycustomrule})

v.make(fields = my_items_to_test, rules = my_validation_rules, messages = my_validation_messages)

### outputs True

### outputs ['name is not equal to 1 !']


simpleValidator supports i18n, through gettext, for now a list of 3 languages are available : English (en), French (fr), Japanese (ja)

from simplevalidator import Validator, i18n


fields = {'username': ''}
rules = {'username': 'required'}

v = Validator(fields = fields, rules = rules)

## > ['username est requis']


v = Validator(fields = fields, rules = rules)

## > ['usernameは必ず指定してください。']

Rules List

* required, field to validate must contain a value
* email, field must be a valid email
* alpha, field must contain alphabetical characters only
* alpha_num, field must contain alphabetical characters and/or numbers
* alpha_dash, field must contain alphabetical characters, numbers, dashes and underscores
* numeric, field must contain a numerical value
* integer, field must be an integer only
* posinteger, field must be a positive integer only
* min, depending on field:
    - string, size must be at least of min value (ex min = 5, "mystring" is valid)
    - numerical, value must be at least higher or equal to min value (ex min = 22, 39 is valid)
* max, depending on field:
    - string, size must at most be of max value (ex max = 10, "hello world" is NOT valid)
    - numerical, value must be lower or equal than max value (ext max = 10, 12 is NOT valid)
* between, depending on value:
    - string, size must be between the boundary values (ex between = (5,10), "hello !" is valid)
    - numerical, value must be between the 2 values 
* ip4, field must be a valid ipv4 address
* ip6, field must be a valid ipv6 address
* date, field must be a valid date, corresponding to a specific template
* url, field must be a valid url (https, and port are allowed)

To Do

- Add more validation rules with time...
- Add support for file validation (mime type, file size etc...)
- Add support for json validation (through templates) 

Is it UnitTested ?

All tests files where merged for conveniance in one file that can be either run :

1. python test
2. python


Released under a (MIT) license.