
Springless Database Server

sl, springless, database, server, testing, postgresql
pip install sl-dbserver==0.0.1a1


Springless DB Server (sl-dbserver)

This is a simple Python server for the purpose of spinning up and destroying full copies of a database on demand. An example use-case is running integration tests with a local postgres instance in a docker container. Each test can create its own isolated database, run its tests, and then destroy the created database instance when done.


  • Python 3.10 or later
  • Dependencies specified in

Installing and running

If you are using this for testing a SQLAlchemy database, install via pip into the same virtual environment your database is on:

pip install sl-dbserver

Otherwise create a new virtual environment and install there.

python3 -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install sl-dbserver

And then run with Uvicorn, which should be installed as part of the dependencies.

uvicorn --port 8000

You can then access the documentation via the /doc or /redoc endpoints. So for the example above, you would go to http://localhost:8000/doc or http://localhost:8000/redoc, which will list the available endpoints and documentation on the data to post to each.