A Simple and Human Friendly Slack Client for Logging.

Slack, Client
pip install slackpy==2.1.3




slackpy is simple and useful Slack client library for logging.

Use Case


pip install slackpy


  • requests

Sample Code

import slackpy

INCOMING_WEB_HOOK = 'your_web_hook_url'
CHANNEL = '#general'
USER_NAME = 'Logger'
ICON_URL = 'http://lorempixel.com/48/48'

# Create a new instance.
logging = slackpy.SlackLogger(INCOMING_WEB_HOOK, CHANNEL, USER_NAME, ICON_URL)

# You can set a log level. Default level is INFO.
logging.set_log_level(slackpy.LogLv.DEBUG) # Or logging.set_log_level(10)

## Minimum Parameter
## logging = slackpy.SlackLogger(INCOMING_WEB_HOOK)

# Simple Usage
logging.info('INFO Message')

# LogLevel's only required parameter is "message", all others are optional.

# LogLevel: DEBUG
logging.debug(message='DEBUG Message', title='DEBUG Title', fields='')

# LogLevel: INFO
logging.info(message='INFO Message', title='INFO Title', fields='')

# LogLevel: WARN
logging.warn(message='WARN Message', title='WARN Title', fields='')

# LogLevel: ERROR
logging.error(message='ERROR Message', title='ERROR Title', fields='')

# LogLevel: CUSTOM
logging.message(message='CUSTOM Message', title='CUSTOM Title', color='good',
                fields=[{"title": "CUSTOM", "value": "test", "short": True}],

# Title Link (New v2.1.0)
logging.info(message='INFO Message', title='slackpy Repository here',

Correspondence table

Method LogLevel Color
debug() DEBUG (10) #03A9F4 (Light Blue)
info() INFO (20) good (green)
warn() WARNING (30) warning (orange)
error() ERROR (40) danger (red)

LogLevel based on logging standard library (https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/logging.html#levels)

Command line

export SLACK_INCOMING_WEB_HOOK='your_web_hook_url'

# LogLevel: DEBUG
slackpy -c '#your_channel' -m 'DEBUG Message' -l 10

# LogLevel: INFO
slackpy -c '#your_channel' -m 'INFO Message' -l 20

# LogLevel: WARN
slackpy -c '#your_channel' -m 'WARN Message' -l 30

# LogLevel: ERROR
slackpy -c '#your_channel' -m 'ERROR Message' -l 40

# LogLevel: DEBUG (without specifying #channel)
slackpy -m 'DEBUG Message' -l 10

# LogLevel: INFO (with Message Title)
slackpy -c '#your_channel' -t 'INFO Message Title' -m 'INFO Message' -l 20

For AWS Lamdba

# First, pip install to top of project directory.
pip install slackpy -t .

# Second, Archive your source code and dependency packages.
zip -r src.zip lambda_function.py slackpy enum requests

# Finally, Upload your src.zip

About Versioning

slackpy is following Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.