discord-py-interactions slash command help

discord, discord-bot, discord-interactions, discord-py, discord-py-interactions, python
pip install slash-help==2.0.4



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discord-py-interactions slash command help

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pip install -U slash-help

Requirements (automatically installed when installing slash-help):

  • discord-py-interactions (version 3.0.2)
  • discord.py (version 1.7.3)
  • dinteractions-Paginator
  • thefuzz
  • Levenshtein



from discord_slash import SlashCommand
from discord.ext import commands
from slash_help import SlashHelp

bot = commands.Bot("your_prefix", help_command=None)
slash = SlashCommand(bot, sync_commands=True)  # sync_commands=True preferred
help_slash = SlashHelp(bot, slash, "your_bot_token", dpy_command=True)  # if you want a dpy command as well, and to show dpy commands in the help
# and its done!

More customized:

from discord_slash import SlashCommand
from discord.ext import commands
from slash_help import SlashHelp

bot = commands.Bot("your_prefix", help_command=None)
slash = SlashCommand(bot, sync_commands=True)  # sync_commands=True preferred
help_slash = SlashHelp(bot, slash, "your_bot_token", dpy_command=True, auto_create=False)

async def help(ctx, *, command=None):
    await help_slash.send_help(ctx, command, prefix="your_prefix")  # you can override the prefix here
                                                                    # and also in SlashHelp()

async def _help(ctx, command=None):
    await help_slash.send_help(ctx, command, guild_id=ctx.guild.id)

class SlashHelp



  • bot: Union[commands.Bot, discord.Client] - the bot variable
  • slash: SlashCommand - the slash variable
  • token: str - the bot token, required for fetching slash commands from Discord API


  • guild_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None - a list of guild/server IDs to register the help slash command
  • guild_id: Optional[int] = None - what guild ID to use for getting guild commands
Keyword Arguments:
  • color: Optional[discord.Color] = discord.Color.default() - the color of the embed
  • colour - alias of color
  • timeout: Optional[int] = 60 - the number of seconds till paginator timeout, specify None for no timeout
  • fields_per_embed: Optional[int] = 4 - the number of fields per embed
  • footer: Optional[str] = None - footer for the embeds
  • front_description: Optional[str] = None - description in the first embed
  • no_category_name: Optional[str] = "No Category" - value for the No Category field
  • no_category_description: Optional[str] = "No description" - value for the No Category description field
  • extended_buttons: Optional[bool] = True - to use the first and last buttons
  • use_select: Optional[bool] = True - whether to use the select
  • author_only: Optional[bool] = False - whether to have buttons work only for the author
  • use_subcommand: Optional[bool] = False - to have a subcommand /help bot_name
  • bot_name: Optional[str] = None - needed to use use_subcommand
  • dpy_command: Optional[bool] = False - whether to make a discord.py command as well
  • max_search_results: Optional[int] = 12 - maximum search results
  • sync_commands: Optional[bool] = False - if you want to get commands every single time
  • blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None - commands or cogs to blacklist, case sensitive
  • prefix: Optional[str] = None - overrides bot.command_prefix