
Unix Pipe Fittings For Data Science

pip install smalldata==0.0.3


UNIX pipe fittings for statistics

In the quest for command line data science, this kit contains three command line utilities intended to be used in UNIX pipes.

All three process STDIN to STDOUT output their docstrings if run without parameters.

Python 3 is required.

sd_c (smalldata count)

Is a regular expression counter filter, contained in smalldata/ Please see docstring for further help.

sd_g (smalldata groupby)

Concatenates lines from stdin that match a regular expression, contained in smalldata/ Please see docstring.

sd_e (smalldata extract)

In the spirit of RegExSerDe, this tool uses regular expressions to generate a CSV file from a free-form text file. It is contained in smalldata/ and has a docstring.

Other Useful Tools

If you've got CSV files, you should definitively check out q.

To Do

A cookbook would be nice. Showing how to analyze log files etc.


Used to live in a gist: