
--- Smart Shell An integrated environment for reproducible research, development, testing, and production

pip install smash==0.2.0


smash alpha 0.0.4

a modular non-interactive shell that's better for the environment

Table of Contents:

Motivation and Objectives

  • smash's yamlisp configuration is not an abstraction layer, it is a tool for factorization
  • need to avoid all-or-nothing adoption patterns
    • take a small thing you already do and insert smash into it.
    • run smash's config side-by-side with the existing implementation and compare results
  • I want a single source of truth for values in my shell environment variables and various configuration files, and for use inside other python programs.
  • yaml is easier to read than xml or json. python is even better, but less secure (does it have to be?)
    • but it doesn't have a great syntax for constructing values out of tokens, like shell scripts can.
  • it would be great to convert all my other configuration into a single yml file per project.
    • but I also want to split it up into configuration modules for each separate concern.
  • conda has environment.yml, but also requires a shell script to set environment variablse. What's up with that?
  • pipenv doesn't seem to even care about environment variables.
  • Ansible is for building immutable servers, not for living research and development environments.
    • environments aren't immutable, and changes to their state need to be version controlled.
  • On the other hand, the same process used during R&D should be easy to promote to production, and also easy to load into a support environment.
    • It needs to be easy to adopt gruadually without demanding total devotion to a walled garden.
    • It needs to work on windows, mac, and linux, on my laptop, without destroying everything else.
    • the package/environment manager should also manage the git project, not merely support installing from one.
    • the environment manager should integrate a solution for secrets management across different hosts
  • possible to construct either deployment archives or docker images
    • bring-your-own-python, or pyinstaller bootloader? some combination of both...
  • control a remote environment over ssh
    • integration to task scheduling through dask
  • use the same single source of truth for configuring both scheduled jobs and services
    • integration to some sort of service registry
  • allow interoperability with language-specific package managers
    • track dependencies for libraries from multiple languages in one environment


  • smash

    • smash.core - main library provides abstraction classes and a plugin system
    • smash.tool - transactional model for manipulating environment state
    • smash.bang - smash! manage instances and boxes
    • - put your research into boxes and it'll all come out the same
    • smash.dash - smash- graphical user interface; visualize interconnected instances
    • smash.test - wrapper for running development, qa, deployment, and validation tests
    • smash.setup - smash package metadata used by includes variations for testing and development.
  • powertools - basic utilities library

  • yamlisp - YAML-based scripting/configuration language

  • cogwright - wheel construction utility