
A twitch chatbot for displaying LEGO sets, minifigs and parts on an HTML overlay

pip install smirnybot9001==0.0.3



A twitch chatbot for displaying LEGO sets, minifigs and parts on an HTML overlay

Installation - Windows

  1. Download and Install Python
  2. Select a directory to install a Python virtualenv and open a command line with the following instructions
  3. Using Command line, create the venv: python -m venv VENVDIR. e.g. C:\Users\***User***\>python -m venv Smirny_Venv
  4. Activate the venv: VENVDIR/Scripts/activate.bat e.g. C:\Users\***User***\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>activate.bat
  5. Install the SmirnyBot into the venv python -m pip install smirnybot9001 e.g. C:\Users\***User***\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>python -m pip install smirnybot9001
  6. Check that the Bot executables are installed in VENVDIR/Scripts smirnyboot9001.exe overlay.exe chatbot.exe
  7. Run smirnyboot.exe --help and note the default location of the config file (Usually HOMEDIR\smirnybot9001.conf) e.g. C:\Users\***User***\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>smirnyboot.exe -h
  8. Copy the sample config file from VENVDIR\Lib\site-packages\smirnybot9001\data\sample.conf to the location noted above (from running smirnyboot.exe --help)
  9. Create a token for your chatbot twitch user (we recommend using a different user than your personal one) by visiting:
  10. Configure your newly created token and your channel name (Usually your personal username) in the config file leaving double quotation marks in place
  11. Start the bot and overlay using the smirnyboot9001.exe executable
  12. Browse to using any browser to ensure that the overlay is running
  13. Create a Browser Source in OBS and set the URL to: Make sure the "Control audio via OBS option is set"
  14. Test the bot! Enter !set 10228 in your chat and see if the overlay displays the wanted set.

Installation - Linux

The Bot has not been tested under Linux but should work just fine


To update the Bot simply use pip in the location you installed it:

  1. Update the SmirnyBot inside the venv python -m pip install --upgrade smirnybot9001 e.g. C:\Users\***User***\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>python -m pip install --upgrade smirnybot9001
