
Simple Microservices with OpenAPI, Connexion, Kubernetes, and SQLAlchemy

pip install smoacks==0.2.47



Simple Microservices with OpenAPI, Connexion, Kubernetes, and SQLAlchemy

This library will generate a microservice application intended for deployment in a Kubernetes environment, based on an OpenAPI 3.0 schema. It will work from the schema to create API endpoints and a SQLAlchemy data model.

The microservice application will include a set of scripts to set up environment variables used by the application, yaml files to deploy the application as a container, a Dockerfile to package the service as a container, as well as generated source files. See development environment for an explanation of the development environment assumptions.

Deployment Dependencies for Generated Code

  • Flask for HTTP request handling
  • flask_jwt_extended for securing API endpoints
  • Connexion for RESTful API validation & routing
  • SQLAlchemy for database persistence

Dependencies in development for generating code

  • Jinja2 for code generation from internal templates; not at runtime
  • PyYAML for configuration file;

Specialized SMOACKS tags for OpenAPI 3.0 specs

The following tags have special meanings for SMOACKS application generation

Data Model Object Tags

  • Schema Tags
    • x-smoacks-create - String naming a data model object to be created from the schema object to which this tag is attached
    • x-smoacks-extended - String naming a data model object that the schema object to which this tag is attached should extend with additional attributes beyond those provided in the schema tagged with x-smoacks-create
    • x-smoacks-fk-relationships - Defines SQLAlchemy relationships to create for the data model object. This is a structure that provides the relationship name, table, field, and optionally a cascade setting.
    • x-smoacks-api-verb-param - Identifies a schema object that should be the parameter for an API verb for the object specified by x-smoacks-object on the same schema. Applies only to POST, SEARCH, GET, PUT verbs.
    • x-smoacks-api-verb-resp - Identifies a schema object that should be the response for an API verb for the object specified by x-smoacks-object on the same schema. Applies only to SEARCH and GET verbs.
    • x-smoacks-object - Identifies the data model object associated with a schema. Ignored if x-smoacks-create or x-smoacks-extended is attached to the same schema.
    • x-smoacks-rbac-controlled - Identifies a table that has an associated RBAC authorization table. The value of this setting should be the name of the authorization table.
  • Property Tags
    • x-smoacks-model-id - Boolean flagging a property in the schema as the primary key for the data model object set in the schema
    • x-smoacks-foreign-key - String identifying the table to which this property is a foreign key

Code Generation Hint Tags

  • x-smoacks-search-field: - Boolean flagging a field in the model as being the one that the default search API implementation should query against
  • x-smoacks-edit-unit-test: - Identifies field to be changed during unit testing of edit API, value replaces example for the property with this tag
  • x-smoacks-test-data - Flag to identify whether test data should be generated for this object (This likely shouldn't be a smoacks attribute, I think it is only used by openapi-rim-app)

Version History

  • 0.2.11 - Various bug fixes around data import
  • 0.2.10 - Adds ability to merge multiple API specs into one
  • 0.2.9 - Generates CLI utilities and API client objects
  • 0.2.8 - Support MUAM style RBAC in default unit tests. See rbac support
  • 0.2.7 - Support cascading database operations on relationships
  • 0.2.6 - Support for assigning custom schemas to specific verbs
  • 0.2.5 - Support for hydration endpoint
  • 0.2.4 - Support for model relationships
  • 0.2.3 - Unit test coverage for all generated endpoints
  • 0.2.2 - Allows customization of data model and API objects
  • 0.2.1 - Supports unit testing authenticated endpoints
  • 0.2.0 - First version generating structure, code, and working unit test
  • 0.1.X Series - Incremental steps to first working version