
Python library that allows to send messages using Plusserver SMS platform.

sms, plusserver, message, text, phone
pip install sms-plusserver==1.1.0



Python library that allows to send messages using Plusserver SMS platform.


pip install sms_plusserver


In order to use this library users need to have an account on Plusserver SMS platform (

Quick start

sms_plusserver provides module-level convenience functions to make sending messages easier:

from sms_plusserver import configure, send_sms

# Configure service:
configure(username='user', password='pass')

# Send a message:
send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')


configure function allows to set all configuration options. These options will be used by other functions / classes of the module by default.

from sms_plusserver import configure

    # Your Plusserver credentials (required):
    # Optional parameters:
    project='MyAppNotifications',  # Name of your app / project
    orig='MyApp',  # SMS origin (name or phone number)
    encoding='utf-8',  # Set default text encoding
    max_parts=3,  # Send multiple messages when text exceeds 160 character limit
    timeout=60  # Default timeout for service API calls

Sending messages

The easiest way to send a message is to call send_sms function:

>>> from sms_plusserver import send_sms

>>> send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')
'a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6'  # Handle ID - unique message identifier

User can provide sender name or number in orig parameter:

send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', orig='+4955544433300')

Messages on Plusserver platform can be tagged using project param:

send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', project='MyProject')

By default all messages receive unique identifiers - "Handle ID". This identifier allows user to check message status. To send unregistered message user can set registered_delivery parameter to False:

>>> from sms_plusserver import send_sms

>>> send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', registered_delivery=False)
True  # No "Handle ID", just True (message sent) or False (error)

In order to test SMS service without sending actual message, user can set debug parameter to True. Debug messages will not receive "Handle ID":

send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', debug=True)

All API calls are made using HTTP requests to Plusserver web API. User can specify network timeout for each request:

send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', timeout=30)

To silence exceptions raised due to network errors or errors returned from provider's API, user can set fail_silently parameter to True:

send_sms('+4911122233344', 'Hello!', fail_silently=True)

In this case, send_sms function will return None when error occurs.

Checking state of a message

To check status of a message with given "Handle ID" user can call check_sms_state function:

>>> from sms_plusserver import check_sms_state

>>> check_sms_state('a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6')
'arrived'  # alternatively: "new" or "processed"

Similar to send_sms, check_sms_state accepts also fail_silently and timeout parameters:

check_sms_state('a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6', timeout=30,

Waiting for a message to arrive

In order to wait for the message to arrive user can use wait_until_arrived function:

>>> from sms_plusserver import wait_until_arrived

>>> wait_until_arrived('a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6')
'arrived'  # alternatively: "new" or "processed"

This function continuously checks state of given message until the service responds with "arrived" status. wait_until_arrived receives the same parameters as send_sms_state, but meaning of timeout is a bit different - timeout is handled as total number of seconds to wait for a message to arrive. Without explicit timeout, this function can wait forever.

check_sms_state('a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6', timeout=120)

Using Object-Oriented API

All functions of sms_plusserver package can be accessed using object-oriented API - SMS class:

>>> from sms_plusserver import SMS

>>> sms = SMS('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')
>>> sms.send()
>>> sms.check_state()

"Handle ID" and message state can be examined using handle_id and state properties:

>>> from sms_plusserver import SMS

>>> sms = SMS('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')
>>> sms.handle_id
>>> sms.send()
>>> sms.handle_id
>>> sms.state
>>> sms.check_state()
>>> sms.state

All parameters available in module-level functions are also valid for methods of SMS class:

>>> from sms_plusserver import SMS

>>> sms = SMS('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')
>>> sms.send(fail_silently=True)
>>> sms.check_state(wait=True, timeout=120)  # Equivalent of `wait_until_arrived`

Multiple configurations

sms_plusserver supports global and local configurations. By default, module level functions and classes use global configuration (sms_plusserver.default_service) which can be altered using configure function. To create independent configurations user can create new instance of SMSService class and pass it to module-level functions or methods of SMS class as service parameter:

>>> from sms_plusserver import  check_sms_state, SMS, SMSService
>>> service = SMSService(username='user', password='password', project='MyProject')
>>> sms = SMS('+4911122233344', 'Hello!')
>>> sms.send(service=service)
>>> check_sms_state('a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6', service=service)

SMS Response objects

All technical parameters returned by Plusserver API calls, can be inspected by using put_response and state_response attributes of SMS objects.


sms_plusserver calls may raise the following exceptions:

  • ConfigurationError: Service is improperly configured.
  • ValidationError: Client-side error
  • CommunicationError: Unable to communicate to API
  • RequestError: API responded with an error


  • Python 3.6+