
Package Python software as an RPM including all dependencies (even the interpreter).

pip install snakepit==185


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This project is DEPRECATED and not any longer supported


Package Python software as an RPM including all dependencies (even the interpreter).

This solves the problem of an outdated Python (2.6) on RHEL since we can now deploy self-contained RPMs that are independent.

The source of truth for the software to be installed is the Python package index at:


See the file snakepit.yaml for details on how to build a spec file for moto.

You can then:

$ snakepit snakepit.yaml

Which will produce a moto.spec file.

For more information on options:

$ snakepit -h

Building the resulting *.spec files.

The resulting spec file requires the make-opt-writable rpm which you can build using the make-opt-writable.spec (included in repository) file. This is required due to very low-level reasons related to the way in which miniconda is installed.

Furthermore, the spec file is of a special flavour of svn2rpm which can be found at: You may not yet be able to use the spec files w/o this tool and the surrounding boilerplate.

How does it work?

For a given product to build an RPM for---let's call it mypackage---snakepit will create a spec file. The spec file works as follows:

  • Install anaconda/miniconda to /opt/mypackage
  • Install the product into that installtion using pip
  • Setup any symlinks from /opt/mypackage/bin to /usr/bin
  • Copy the whole installation into the buildroot


It is available from PyPi:

To install, do:

$ pip install snakepit

Use PyRun as Python distribution to build a spec-file

You do not need any make-opt-writable rpm or svn2rpm. Simply build your spec- file in userspace and reduce the rpm size more than by half.

Example based on gaius and Pyrun

~ $ git clone
~ $ virtualenv .venv
~ $ . .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) ~ $ pip install pip -U
(.venv) ~ $ pip install snakepit
(.venv) ~ $ snakepit gaius/snakepit/gaius.yaml --distribution=pyrun
(.venv) ~ $ deactivate
~ $ rpmbuild -bb gaius.spec
~ $ ls  rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64

Some other SL6 Server:

~ $ sudo rpm -i gaius-128.0-0_pyrun_2.1.1_py2.7.x86_64.rpm
~ $ gaius
        gaius --stack STACK --parameters PARAMETERS --trigger-channel TOPIC_ARN
             [--region REGION] --back-channel QUEUE_URL [--timeout TIMEOUT]


Use pybuilder:

Getting in touch

Please use the conda mailinglist at:!forum/conda


This tool is in an early alpha stage and the output is guaranteed to change. Feedback, comments and pull-requests welcome, but please do bear in mind that, this is work in progress and therefore probably full of many, many horrible bugs.


Copyright 2015,2016 Immobilien Scout GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



  • Install optional dependencies, e.g. ipython[all]
  • What if we want to install conda packages?
  • What if we have a complex dependency chain?
  • What if we want to install multiple products?
  • Ability to package additional things, such as bash completions, cron-jobs and so on.
  • Ability to install from a git-repo
  • Ability to run all tests before creating the RPM (usually not possible if from PyPi)
  • Add a 'minimum_snakepit_version' number and abort if snakepit is too old.

RPM Spec

  • Include git-hash of snakepit in spec
  • Include version number of conda-dist
  • Download .sh installer via Source0
  • What about the illegibility of the spec file template
  • Decouple from make-opt-writable
  • Decouple svn2rpm
  • --pre and --post hooks for the spec file
  • Release number should also contain the python version
  • Augment the description with complete metadata
  • Automagically determine the symlinks. (either by doing deltas during install, or by inspecting the metadata.)
  • Change package name from product-conda-dist to something the user can select.
  • In case we want to install c-extensions, we may need to add c-compiler and other things to the build-requires.


  • Specify template file via --template
  • Allow outputing the spec file on stdout using --stdout
  • Decide if it should be '--build' or '--release'
  • If no file specified, it should look for a snakepit.yaml or .snakepit.yaml

Automatic Mode

The idea is to have a one-step conversion from any Pypi software to an RPM package.

  • Automatic choices where possible, e.g. for the Python interpreter, symlinks for bin/* files etc.
  • Naming conventions: ** RPM Name = Pypi name ** RPM Version = Pypi version ** RPM Release = Build Nr, Python Interpreter Version etc. ** RPM Licence = Licence from PyPI ** RPM Summary = First line of Package description from PyPi ** RPM Description = Full description from PyPi + Metadatasection at the end ** RPM Packager = logged in user + snakepit


  • Consider "snakepyt" as name
  • Figure out how to get the cram-plugin to write coverge data too
  • Maybe we can delete things from the miniconda install that are not required since it is now static. E.g. stuff in pkg. This would help to reduce the size of the final RPM.
  • Consider as an alternative
  • Delete pip and conda after installing everything to remove the temptation to install things as root on the box. In fact, perhaps make a 'debug' yaml flag that allows to craete such packages.