
Provides a simple listener/observer library.

pip install snitcher==0.2.2


Snitcher Documentation Status

Snitcher provides a simple, reusable notification mechanism based on the subscriber pattern. Agents interested in receiving scoops from a Snitcher register with it. Invocation of the s_inform method on the Snitcher will cause all registered agents to receive a notification (via the Agent's notify method).



Currently you can only install from source. Clone or download and extract the repository and navigate to the folder where the sources are:

python3 install

Adjust for the specific python command available in your environment (but it has to be Python 3.5+)

Using Snitchers

The Snitcher class is intended to be inherited by other classes that want to provide a subscriber notification mechanism. Snitcher methods are prefixed with "s_" so that they are less likely to clash with existing or inherited API.

Agents interested in being informed by the Snitcher are registered using the s_register_agent method. Agents must have a method with signature notify(self, *args, **kwargs). When the s_inform method is invoked in the Snitcher, all registered Agents are informed. Any parameters passed to the s_inform method are forwarded to the Agents:

>>> from snitcher import Snitcher
>>> class Worker(Snitcher):
...     def do_work(self, work):
...         for w in work:
...             print("working on {}".format(w))
...         self.s_inform()    # Let agents know work is done
>>> class Supervisor:
...     def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
...         print("Worker done")
>>> w1 = Worker()
>>> work = ["loadA", "loadB"]
>>> boss = Supervisor()
>>> w1.s_register_agent(boss)
>>> w1.do_work(work)
working on loadA
working on loadB
Worker done

The Scoop class provides a convenient container for passing information from the Snitcher to the agents. The Scoop class provides a single attribute to indicate the type of Scoop (this should be enough for simple notifications). To facilitate batch notifications the Scoop class provides a simple nesting mechanisms in which Scoops can be added to other Scoops (via the s_add method). Scoops are iterable, allowing all nested scoops to be easily visited. The s_add method correctly builds the scoop chain so all nested scoops can be added to a single head scoop and in more chaotic environments to any scoop in the chain. The Scoop class can be extended to add more fields in order to tailor the information packet to the specific application:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from snithcer import Scoop
>>> import time
>>> class WorkerScoop(Scoop):
...     def __init__(self, type, started, finished):
...         super().__init__(type)
...         self.started = started
...         self.finished = finished
>>> class Worker(Snitcher):
...     def do_work(self, work):
...         scoop = None
...         for w in work:
...             start =
...             print("working on {}".format(w))
...             time.sleep(2)
...             s = WorkerScoop(type="Work", started=start,
...             if scoop is None:
...                 scoop = s
...             else:
...                 scoop.s_add(s)
...         self.s_inform(scoop)
>>> class Supervisor:
...     def notify(self, scoop):
...         info = [(str(s.starter),str(s.finished)) for s in scoop]
...         print("Worker done with: {}, details: {}".format(scoop.type, info))
>>> w1 = Worker()
>>> work = ["loadA","loadB"]
>>> boss = Supervisor()
>>> w1.s_add_agent(boss)
>>> w1.do_work(work)
working on loadA
working on loadB
Worker done with: Work, details: [('2017-09-30 22:44:09.576904', '2017-09-30 22:44:11.577410'), ('2017-09-30 22:44:11.577410', '2017-09-30 22:44:13.577559')]

To support existing APIs the agent can specify an alternative method to receive the notifications when being registered with the Snitcher. The supplied method should be queried from the agent instance (i.e. not from the agent class). Finally, the Snitcher has a flag (s_chatty) that controls whether agents are informed during the invocation of the inform method:

>>> class Worker(Snitcher):
...     def do_work(self, work):
...         scoop = None
...         for w in work:
...             start =
...             print("working on {}".format(w))
...             time.sleep(2)
...             s = WorkerScoop(type="Work", started=start,
...             if scoop is None:
...                 scoop = s
...             else:
...                 scoop.s_add(s)
...         self.s_inform(scoop)
...     def do_break(self, duration):
...         start =
...         time.sleep(duration)
...         s = WorkerScoop(type="Break", started=start,
...         self.s_inform(s)

>>> class Supervisor:
...     def supervise(self, scoop):
...         info = [(str(s.started), str(s.finished)) for s in scoop]
...         print("Worker done with: {}, details: {}".format(scoop.type, info))

>>> w1 = Worker()
>>> work = ["loadA", "loadB"]
>>> boss = Supervisor()
>>> w1.s_register_agent(boss, boss.supervise)   # Provide the preferred notification method
>>> w1.do_work(work)
working on loadA
working on loadB
Worker done with: Work, details: [('2017-10-03 19:39:43.534965', '2017-10-03 19:39:45.535265'), ('2017-10-03 19:39:45.535265', '2017-10-03 19:39:47.536316')]
>>> w1.do_break(2)
Worker done with: Break, details: [('2017-10-03 19:39:47.536316', '2017-10-03 19:39:49.536355')]
>>> w1.s_chatty = False     # Don't monitor breaks
>>> w1.do_break(2)
>>> w1.s_chatty = True      # Monitor back
>>> work = ["loadE", "loadF"]
>>> w1.do_work(work)
working on loadE
working on loadF
Worker done with: Work, details: [('2017-10-03 19:39:55.537225', '2017-10-03 19:39:57.537791'), ('2017-10-03 19:39:57.537791', '2017-10-03 19:39:59.538375')]


The Snitcher logs agent register/unregister events at the info level. Errors that result from problems accessing the agents's notification method