
Data caching components for the SPARC platform

pip install sparc.cache==0.0.3



Data caching components for the SPARC platform.

SQL Cache Area

SQL implementation of ICacheArea, providing a mechanism to store items implementing either ICachableItem (a single item) or ICachableSource (many items).

This implementation utilizes SQLAlchemy to provide abstraction from the specific SQL technology (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc) to be used. Also, this is implemented as a ZCA multi-adapter...allowing easy lookup given an instance of ISqlAlchemySession and ICachedItemMapper.

Although we provide a very flexible implementation for caching information, this flexibility comes at the cost of some added complexities. We use ZCA as a framework to help us manage the complexity.

Even though, technically, this class can be used outside of ZCA...our examples will use ZCA because it helps to simplify the explanation.

Cachable Item

Of course, as a first step, we need some information that is to be cached. We need structured information that our SQL Cache Area object can understand. We have the ICachableItem interface to help us here. So as a first step, we'll create an implementation of this interface.

>>> from zope.interface import implements
>>> from sparc.cache import ICachableItem
>>> class myItem(object):
...     implements(ICachableItem)
...     def __init__(self, attributes = None):
...         self.key = 'ENTRY #'
...         self.attributes = attributes
...     def getId(self):
...         return self.attributes[self.key]
...     def validate(self):
...         if not self.attributes.has_key(self.key):
...             raise KeyError("expected item's attributes to have entry for key field: %s", self.key)
...         if not self.attributes[self.key]:
...             raise ValueError("expected item's key attribute to have a non-empty value")

Notice...we did not need to explicitly add members in the class that represent individually cachable information (i.e. column definitions). Instead we have single myItem.attributes which will contain a Dictionary of the information that is to be cached in key, value pairs.

Also notice...we had to specify the key name of the attribute entry which will be used to uniquely identify the item within a group of items.

Although the above code shows how to create the implementation, mostly it is boiler plate so we have a readily available mixin class to help simplify things for us.

>>> del(myItem)
>>> from sparc.cache.item import cachableItemMixin
>>> class myItem(cachableItemMixin):
...     def __init__(self, attributes=None):
...         super(myItem, self).__init__('ENTRY #', attributes)

Finally, we create a factory...whose responsibility is simply to generate new instances of our implementation.

>>> from zope.component.factory import IFactory, Factory
>>> myCachableItemFactory = Factory(myItem, 'myCachableItemFactory')

Cached Item

Information that has been cached may require some subtle translations from the original information source (ICachableItem). For example, if the cachable item has a date string then it would be nice to store that information in the DB as a datetime type...therefore allowing date searches. IF we just stored the information as a string-type...we couldn't utilze the DB's full capabilities for type-specific searching.

For this, and other reasons, we need a new data structure (class) that will represent the information after it has been cached. For this task, we have the ICachedItem interface. Again, we require an implementation of this interface to do anything useful.

>>> import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
>>> class myBaseMixin(object):
...     @sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declared_attr
...     def __tablename__(cls):
...         return cls.__name__.lower()
...         __mapper_args__= {'always_refresh': True}
...     def __repr__(self):
...        return "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + "(id: '%s'')>" % (self.getId())

We'll also want to get ahold of a SQL Alchemy ORM Delcatative Base object. We can do this via a singleton utility providing ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase.

>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from import ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase
>>> Base = getUtility(ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase)

>>> from sparc.cache import ICachedItem
>>> import sqlalchemy
>>> from datetime import date, timedelta
>>> class myCachedItem(myBaseMixin, Base):
...     implements(ICachedItem)
...     entry_number = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.BigInteger(), primary_key=True)
...     logged_date = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime(),nullable=True)
...     def getId(self):
...         return self.entry_number
...     def __eq__(self, instance):
...         if not isinstance(instance, self.__class__):
...             return False
...         if self.entry_number != instance.entry_number:
...             return False
...         if self.logged_date - instance.logged_date != timedelta(0):
...             return False
...         return True
...     def __ne__(self, instance):
...         return not self.__eq__(instance)

This implementation is a bit more tricky than our myItem object from above. First thing to note is our dependency on sqlalchmeny. This is an implementation-specific dependency...driven by our base requirement to allow information to be stored in a DB via the sqlalchemy abstraction layer. Other than conformance to the ICachedItem interface requirements, this acts like a normal SQL Alchemy persistent object class

But once again, the above implementation is not that fun to write out, so we have a ready-to-use mixin class to help things out.

>>> del(myCachedItem)
>>> from sparc.cache.item import cachedItemMixin
>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base() # we need to reset this, cause myCachedItem is already defined above
>>> alsoProvides(Base, ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase) # we'll mark it so it can be used in ZCA
>>> class myCachedItem(cachedItemMixin, myBaseMixin, Base):
...     _key = 'entry_number'
...     entry_number = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.BigInteger(), primary_key=True)
...     logged_date = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime(),nullable=True)

Finally (like above), we created factory...whose responsibility is simply to generate new instances of our implementation.

>>> from zope.component.factory import IFactory, Factory
>>> myCachedItemFactory = Factory(myCachedItem, 'myCachedItemFactory')

Cached Item Mapper

Now that we have two different classes, one representing information we want to cache and the other representing the information after it has been cached, we need a way to relate the 2 different classes. For this task, we have the ICachedItemMapper interface. This class provides a mechanism to populate an ICachedItem from information stored in a ICachableItem.

>>> from zope.component import adapts
>>> from sparc.cache.interfaces import ICachedItemMapper, ICachableSource
>>> from sparc.cache.sources import normalizedDateTime, normalizedDateTimeResolver
>>> class myItemCacheMapper(object):
...     implements(ICachedItemMapper)
...     adapts(ICachableSource)
...     mapper = {
...            'entry_number'   :'ENTRY #', 
...            'logged_date'    :normalizedDateTime('LOGGED DATE')
...           }
...     def __init__(self, CachableSource):
...         self.cachableSource = CachableSource
...     def key(self):
...         for _key, _value in self.mapper.iteritems():
...             if _value == self.cachableSource.key():
...                 return _key
...         raise LookupError("expected to find matching cache key for given source key via map lookup")
...     def factory(self):
...         return myCachedItem()
...     def get(self, sourceItem):
...         _cachedItem = self.factory()
...         _cachedItem.entry_number = int(sourceItem.attributes['ENTRY #'])
...         _cachedItem.logged_date = normalizedDateTimeResolver(self.logged_date).manage(sourceItem.attributes['LOGGED DATE'])
...         return _cachedItem

For the purpose of illustration, the above class fully implements the ICachedItemMapper interface. However, since it's not fun to create this type of class, there's an available mixin class to make things a bit simpler to read/write

>>> del(myItemCacheMapper)
>>> from sparc.cache.sql import SqlObjectMapperMixin
>>> class myItemCacheMapper(SqlObjectMapperMixin):
...     implements(ICachedItemMapper)
...     mapper = {
...            'entry_number'   :'ENTRY #', 
...            'logged_date'    :normalizedDateTime('LOGGED DATE')
...           }
...     _key = 'entry_number'

Much nicer to look at. Also note the normalizedDateTime() reference. This class is an implementation of the IManagedCachedItemMapperAttributeKeyWrapper interface. The interface is needs to supply a call() method that returns the string key name.

We need to create a factory for this implementation

myItemCacheMapperFactory = Factory(myItemCacheMapper)

Cached Item Events

Usually, when leveraging the sparc caching system there is an underlying reason to do so. What I mean is that it is often required to act on the information that is being cached. Of course, the information can always be searched from the cache but it would be nice if we could act on the information as it is actively being cached. For this, the ICacheArea interface indicates events (see zope.event) will be issued for item additions and modifications (see zope.lifecycleevent) in the cache area. We'll illustrate how to leverage these events using subscription adapters.

subscription adapters are Python callables, typically a function. We'll implement some simple subscriptions to illustrate the concepts. Notice the use of the adapter decorator

>>> from zope.component import adapter
>>> from zope.lifecycleevent import IObjectCreatedEvent, IObjectModifiedEvent
>>> @adapter(ICachedItem, IObjectCreatedEvent)
... def new_item_subscriber(item, event):
...     item._ive_been_updated_by_the_new_item_subscription = True

>>> @adapter(ICachedItem, IObjectModifiedEvent)
... def modified_item_subscriber(item, event):
...     item._ive_been_updated_by_the_modified_item_subscription = True

The above subscribers leverage the zope.component.event object subscribers, which allows an item type plus the event for subscriber filtering. In practice, you may want your ICachedItem class to also implement some non-generic interface which you then could apply as a subscription filter inlieu of the ICachedItem specification above.

One final note, The implementations of IObjectCreatedEvent and IObjectModifiedEvent will also implement and This allows the subscription consumers to act on the realted ICacheArea if needed.


We've now created classes that represent information in its pre and post cached state, and also a mapper for the two states. In addition, we created two subscribers that make updates during addition and modifications. Things are about to get interesting. Before we move forward, we'll add the myItemCacheMapper() component into the ZCA registry to allow interface-based lookups.

>>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
>>> sm = getSiteManager()
>>> sm.registerUtility(myItemCacheMapperFactory, name=u'item_mapper')

We also need to registeer our two subscribers

>>> from zope.component import provideHandler
>>> provideHandler(new_item_subscriber)
>>> provideHandler(modified_item_subscriber)

Finally, we need to make sure that zope.component.event is imported. This import insures some important registrations occur to allow the event system to broadcast events to handlers.

>>> import zope.component.event

Data Source

Up until now, we've really only dealt with data definitions. You might be asking..."so where's the data?". We have the ICachableSource interface to deal with data sources. But first, we need to start with the actual data. We'll use the test_csvdata.csv file located under the sparc.cache.sources.tests directory.

>>> import os
>>> csv_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + 'sources' + os.sep + 'tests' + os.sep + 'test_csvdata.csv'

We can now create instances of sparc.cache.sources.csvdata.CSVSource via its factory. This object will be used to generate ICachableItem objects for each valid CSV row entry.

>>> from zope.component import createObject
>>> myCSVSource = createObject('cache.sources.CSVSourceFactory', csv_file, myCachableItemFactory)

Let's run a few quick test to make sure the data source is sane

>>> item = myCSVSource.first()
>>> item.attributes['ENTRY #']
>>> item.attributes['LOGGED DATE']
'6/18/2014 16:28'
>>> item.getId()
>>> item.validate()

Database Connection

To work with a database, we need to connect to it per SQLAlchemy instructions. We'll use a simple SQLite memory database for this example.

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>>> session = Session()

We need to provide the ISqlAlchemySession marker interface to the session object to enable easy ZCA based component lookup for adapters.

>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> from import ISqlAlchemySession
>>> alsoProvides(session, ISqlAlchemySession)

Load the Cache!!!

OK, it was a bit complicated to get here...but now we'll see the fruits of our labor. Our actual caching interface is defined by ITransactionalCacheArea.
We've implemented this interface via an adapter located at sparc.cache.sql.SqlObjectCacheArea. This adapter is already registered, so we can look it up.

>>> from sparc.cache import ITransactionalCacheArea
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> myMapper = createObject(u'item_mapper', myCachedItemFactory) # get our mapper via our factory implementation
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea = getMultiAdapter((Base, session, myMapper), ITransactionalCacheArea, name="sparc.cache.sqlalchemy_cache")

One more final activity...we need to initialize (i.e. create the DB tables) the storage area.

>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.initialize()

whew...that was a lot of we can finally use it. let's start by getting one of our cachable items in hand.

>>> item = myCSVSource.first()
>>> item.getId()

Let's make sure our mapper works ok.

>>> myMapper.get(item).getId()

This item hasn't been cached yet

>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.get(item)
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> cached = mySqlObjectCacheArea.cache(item)
>>> cached._ive_been_updated_by_the_new_item_subscription
>>> cached.getId()
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> item.attributes['LOGGED DATE'] = '6/18/2014 16:28' # same as orig
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.cache(item)
>>> item.attributes['LOGGED DATE'] = '6/25/2014 16:28' # new date
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> cached = mySqlObjectCacheArea.cache(item)
>>> cached._ive_been_updated_by_the_modified_item_subscription
>>> myMapper.get(item).getId()

Let's test the transactional features

>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.rollback()
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> cached = mySqlObjectCacheArea.cache(item)
>>> cached.getId()
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.commit()
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> item = myCSVSource.first() # this resets the date from above
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.isDirty(item)
>>> cached = mySqlObjectCacheArea.cache(item)
>>> cached.getId()
>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.commit()

Let's get the item directly from the DB and make sure it acts like a ICachedItem

>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.session.expunge(cached)
>>> cached = mySqlObjectCacheArea.get(item)
>>> cached.getId()

Now lets do a bulk import...when we import it will bring in 1 less than the total CSV source (because the first entry already done and does not require an update)

>>> mySqlObjectCacheArea.import_source(myCSVSource)