Package of commonly used and shared Lifemapper objects and tools

dendropy, null-model, numpy-arrays, presence-absence-matrix, randomization
pip install specify-lmpy==3.1.6



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The Lifemapper lmpy repository houses objects and common tools used within the Lifemapper installation that may also be useful for outside contributors and the community as a whole.

Any community contributed tool through the BiotaPhy Python Repository should use these objects to ensure that the new analysis is compatible with the Lifemapper backend.

We have also made our PAM randomization code available so that those researchers that don't need or want to use the entire Lifemapper system can create their own null models for large matrices that are not currently possible with other existing software pacakges. This repository will serve as the reference end-point for citations to our randomization method and the latest version of this code will live in this repository.

Please use the following with citing our randomization algorithm:

Grady, C. J., Beach, J. H., and Stewart, A. M. (in preparation). A parallel,
heuristic-based fill method for creating presence-absence matrix randomizations.

Please see CITATION.cff for citing the repository or the specify-lmpy tool itself.

Tutorials and additional documentation can be found on The lmpy GitHub pages.

This work has been supported by NSF Awards NSF BIO-1458422, OCI-1234983. BIO/CIBR-1930005