
Audio file spectral analysis

audio, mp3, spectral-analysis
pip install specky==0.1.5



Delicious audio file spectrograms.

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specky is a collection of easy-to-use Python and command-line tools for analyzing audio files. Install from PyPi with

pip install specky

and use with

specky-show filename.mp3                # shows the wave spectrum of the audio file
specky-check {dirname or filename.mp3}  # checks if the audio file is worse than it pretends to be

See -h for their respective command-line arguments.

The quality of MP3 files is typically determined by their bitrate. For audio files, 128 kbps (kilobit per second) is considered low quality, 320 kbps is considered high quality. It is of course possible to re-encode a low-quality MP3 with a higher bitrate or even a WAV file. specky can help singling out those foul eggs.

Here is the specky-show output of a sample file (only first channel shown):

Full-quality WAV 320 kbps MP3 256 kbps MP3
192 kbps MP3 128 kbps MP3 96 kbps MP3
64 kbps MP3 32 kbps MP3 16 kbps MP3


specky is published under the GPLv3+ license.