
Categorize the `dir()` of a python object.

pip install spect==0.2



Categorize the dir() of a python object.

Essentially filters Python's dir() built-in for a given object nicely. Might become a dir() pretty printer on steroids at some point and/or a nice helper for quick, interactive debugging / introspecting.


import spect
import re

respect = spect(re)
print(respect.dunder)  # {'__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '__version__'}
print(respect.private)  # {'_compile', '_locale', '_alphanum_bytes', '_expand', '_alphanum_str', '_MAXCACHE', '_pickle', '_subx', '_pattern_type', '_compile_repl', '_cache'}
print(repsect.const_private) # {'_MAXCACHE'}

So far spect knows these categories:

  • regular: varname

  • alias: varname_

  • dunder: __varname__

  • private: _varname

  • superprivate: __varname

  • general: an alias for regular, so varname as well

  • magic: double underscore delimitered (dunder) and callable (e.g. __init__)

  • const: any of the above as long as it has letters and all of them are uppercase (e.g. _MAXCACHE)

The categories can be combined and are sets (as are their combinations):

  • const_dunder_superprivate: all that are either double underscore delimitered or superprivate and contain at least one upper case letter no lower case.

    x = spect(...)
    x.const_dunder_superprivate == (x.dunder | x.superprivate) & x.const  # True
  • private_alias: combination of alias and private from above, i.e. equivalent to the set notation:

    x.private_alias == x.alias | x.private  # True
    # has all in x.private and x.alias


python -m pip install --user spect


  • Make Python 2 compatible (maybe)
  • Ponder getting magic methods from a list (version dependent! hard to future-proof! but no false positives)
    • Think about the use callable for Python versions 3.0 to 3.2 where callable was deprecated
  • Maybe add a filter for snake_case, camelCase and PascalCase (kebab-case does not make for valid variable names)