
Sphinx plugin for help Django commands documentation.

django, sphinx, argparse, optparse
pip install sphinx-django-command==0.1.3


Sphinx Django Command

Add you Django Command's help to your documentation. Just write:

.. djcommand:: myapp.management.commands.mycmd

And you'll have:

Usage: manage.py mycmd [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Useful to keep DRY documentation between Sphinx and your command help.


Install with:

pip install sphinx-django-command

Be sure your Sphinx conf.py has access to the command that you want to document, the app could be found in sys.path and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is available if necessary.

Insert 'djcommanddoc' in the extensions parameter:

extensions = [


Tests are stored in djcommanddoc.tests and for run them you must launch:

python djcommanddoc/tests.py

To run the tests across all supported versions of Django and Python, you can use Tox. Firstly install Tox:

pip install tox

To run the tests just use the command tox in the command line. If you want to run the tests against just one specific test environment you can run tox -e <testenv>. For example, to run the tests with Python3.3 and Django1.9 you would run:

tox -e py3.3

The available test environments can be found in tox.ini.