
Support substitutions in Sphinx hyperlinks

sphinx, hyperlinks, substitutions
pip install sphinxcontrib-varlinks==0.1.2



Provide support for substitutions in hyperlinks


The following packages must be installed on your machine for this extension to work:

  • python (>= 2.6).
  • python-sphinx (1.4.9 or later)

Replace python with python3 if you plan to use the Python 3 version of the extension.

Installation from sources

Installing this extension from the sources is done in just a few steps:

  • Download the latest version of the code from GitHub: https://github.com/fpoirotte/sphinxcontrib-varlinks/archive/master.tar.gz

  • Extract the contents of the archive and go into the newly created directory.

  • Then, install the extension from the machine's root account:

    root@localhost:~# # For Python 2
    root@localhost:~# python setup.py install
    root@localhost:~# # For Python 3
    root@localhost:~# python3 setup.py install

Please note that it is also possible to build a Debian/Fedora package for the extension (see below), which makes it easier to uninstall the extension afterwards.

Installation using packages

If like me you prefer installing softwares from packages instead of sources to ease maintenance, here's a quick guide on how to build a package for this extension.


The following procedure has been tested on Debian testing:

  • Make sure the dependencies are installed beforehand:

    root@localhost:~# apt-get install coreutils rename make tar dpkg-dev  debhelper dh-python \
        python-all python-setuptools python-sphinx python3-all python3-setuptools python3-sphinx
  • Download the latest version of the code from GitHub: https://github.com/fpoirotte/sphinxcontrib-varlinks/archive/master.tar.gz

  • Extract the tarball and go to the newly created directory.

  • Build the package by running:

    clicky@localhost:~$ make deb
  • Run the following command to install the Python 2 module:

    root@localhost:~# dpkg -i dist/python-sphinxcontrib.varlinks_*_all.deb
  • If you want to use the extension with Python 3, also run:

    root@localhost:~# dpkg -i dist/python3-sphinxcontrib.varlinks_*_all.deb

Other .deb-based distributions and older Debian releases may require some tweaking.


The following (untested) procedure should work for Fedora Core 24 and later:

  • Make sure the dependencies are installed beforehand:

    root@localhost:~# # If your distribution only supports Python 2
    root@localhost:~# yum install python2-devel python2-setuptools python2-sphinx python2-sphinx-testing
    root@localhost:~# # If your distribution also supports Python 3
    root@localhost:~# yum install python3-devel python3-setuptools python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-testing
  • Download the latest version of the code from GitHub: https://github.com/fpoirotte/sphinxcontrib-varlinks/archive/master.tar.gz

  • Extract the tarball and go to the newly created directory.

  • Build the package by running:

    clicky@localhost:~$ make rpm
  • Run the following command to install the Python 2 module:

    root@localhost:~# yum install dist/RPMS/noarch/python2-sphinxcontrib-varlinks-*.rpm
  • If you want to use the extension with Python 3, also run:

    root@localhost:~# yum install dist/RPMS/noarch/python3-sphinxcontrib-varlinks-*.rpm

Other .rpm-based distributions and older Fedora releases may require some tweaking.

How to use

Just load the extension in your conf.py:

extensions = [
    # other extensions...

That's it! You may now use substitutions in hyperlinks like this:

This release can be downloaded `here <http://example.com/download#|release|>`_

Please note that you may use substitutions in both the hyperlink's label and target.


Bug reports

Bugs should be reported through the project's issue tracker on GitHub: https://github.com/fpoirotte/sphinxcontrib-varlinks/issues.

License and credits

This extension is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

© 2017, François Poirotte <clicky@erebot.net>.